Tea Party Decorations

I decided to have a PJ tea for Kylie and three of my nieces. Kylie had to go to her Dad’s Christmas day at 3:00, so she would miss the Williams Christmas this year. This way she was able to give her gifts to her cousins, visit and play with them. They seemed to have a great time and were very appreciative. After everyone left,  we were cleaning up and Kylie was helping, she told Cay Cay and me….thank-you for having this tea party, it was so much fun! Let me just say…Cayla was such a big help! I could not have done it with out her! We had lots of laughs getting everything decorated and ready! Thanks Cayla!!! I love you!


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I Had a Little Tea Party

I had a little pj party, this afternoon at three, twas very small, 4 guest in all… Macie, Katie, Kylie and Ally. They ate up all the sandwiches, cheese and hot chocolate, two tried vanilla tea and sat down their cups with glee! Giggles and excitement were swirling through the air, as anticipation of  gifts were floating everywhere. The gifts were given and received,  and smiles were on the faces, of 4 precious girls, who were very very gracious!   


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Wrapping Presents

Kylie is really in to wrapping presents. The other day she and Cayla wrapped a present for Papa. She insisted the boots be wrapped in princess paper, and the boots would be from her. Well, I used some of the paper the next day for a couple of  kids presents. I left a piece of  it on the floor to be used on another gift. The next night when she came to spend the night, she was doing her usual plundering, she found that strip of paper, walked in the door of our room and wanted to know who had been opening presents….and in the same breath looked at her Papa and asked if he opened those boots? Now let me tell ya, she was as serious as she could be and we just lost it…..I called her little Cole. Once, his Aunt Missy bought a hat for Daddy and he watched her buy it and wrap it. She told him not to tell Papa because it was a surprise and he said OK. Time they walked into the den he told Papa that there was not a hat in that box for him! I did explain to Kylie that it was an extra piece an that we would use it on another gift.

Annual Christmas Trip

Time for our annual Christmas Trip, need to pack…but I hate to pack! You have to take 2 wardrobes because of the unpredictable weather in the south! At least I am feeling well enough to go. I have been battling sinus trouble for a little less than a month. Finally went and got a shot yesterday and more antibiotics!  I feel better, thank goodness. And do I need to say how much I hate a shot!!! If I ask for one…you know I am not well!

Heaven is rejoicing.

Daddy Ralph went to be with his heavenly Father today around 12:30. Oh how well I know how they will miss him. My heart aches for all of them. I know they will miss him deeply.  I know my nephew’s and nieces hearts are hurting as well as Paul and Lynn, we are holding you in our hearts even though we are separated my many miles. Paul, how blessed you are to have been given two wonderful parents!!! I am so sorry and I love you all!

The Toys r Us ads.

Kylie asked Papa for a ride on the 4-wheeler today. He rides her on it quite often. It was a little cool and misting so he told her they would have to wait due to the weather. She said OK, but let me show you somefhing. She brought him the toy ad from the Sunday paper. She showed him a pink 4-wheeler, told him that if he got that for her, she would not have to wide his anymore and she did not want that other color, it’s for boy’s. He  told her that he would see. He started to leave and she insisted that he take the flyer with him so he would not forget what it looked like. He started to take it from her, she changed her mind and told him she would put it in his truck so he would  not forget it, he said that he would take it, but oh no….she insisted on taking it herself. He opened the door and she climbed right on in and put it on the console. I was laughing so hard. She came back and stood by me at the door, I looked at her and said…..you told me that you wanted a swing set. She said, “Just two stings, this and the swing set! Then she asked me why I was laughing so hard! Hide those ads! I remember spending hours circling most of the toys in the Sears catalog!

Just the right amount of seating!

Today, Kylie and I made pasaghetti…in Kylie’s words. Papa, Cole and Mr. Bill came in to eat. She had been making her own recipe of sugar, salt and pepper. She took the shakers, place the on the table, then began arranging where we would sit. She had a place especially for her Momma, then she asked if Bark was working still. She had not planned on Mr. Bill or Cole and Cole was a little late because he was not at the farm right then. She had me bring in the  high chair from the dining room for her, too! We were all seated and eating, right where she told us, then Cole joined us…now her Mom was still at work and would not be eating at the same time….but she insisted she have a place. As She was eating and talking,  all of a sudden, she figured out that the seating was not just right . We were one chair short. She immediately told Mr. Bill to move over dhere and get the other chair, her Momma had to have a chair. She just told us all what to do and we did it!??? After the seating was proper she finished her pasaghetti!

Nance Family

Remember my brother-in-law and all of his family in your prayers,  please, they are going through rough times as I am posting this. Daddy Ralph…as all of the grand’s call him,  had a severe stroke on Saturday.  I remember he and Mom Betty driving down when we lost our Dad to a stroke in 2003.  How sweet it was of them to travel such a long way to be with our family. Thanks to you both and we are praying for you!

Thanksgiving Fun

After one fabulous meal we went outside to enjoy the nice weather and have a little fun.Thanksgiving fun

Bridges Thanksgiving 2009

  Once again, my Martha Helen cooked a fabulous meal. It was so good and we enjoyed it so much! Thanks for all the hard work!!!

Happy Birthday Lynn

Lynn's 50tha Happy Birthday to my sister, who is next to me in age!!! I hope you have a great day. I know you all of you will be traveling, I will pray for a safe trip. Sister’s are the best and I have been blessed with three of them! Love you all! I just made a chocolate cake for you, since this is a big birthday….beginning with the number 5….! It is a special day. Kylie and I called her this morning an sang Happy Birthday. We were the first to wish her blessings for her special day. We have always had the best time together, well….not always, let’s be honest. But, more good than bad! We can always laugh at thing’s and no one else will know why we are giggling. I mean, it is like we know what the other is thinking without saying a word. She has always been good at keeping herself composed, how does she do that??? I do not know. She could actually control her gigglies, if  she needed too. Once I loose it…its over, I may as well excuse myself from the scene! Which I have had to do more times than I could ever count. She is a great big sis and I love her and miss her so much. We love to talk on the phone to each other when we can. We can tell each other anything and not worry about what the other thinks about it, just unconditional love! Thanks for all the great times Lynn. I love you and am thankful I was blessed with you as a sister!!!    Here are a few pictures of the cake which almost caught fire from all of the candles!!! The new cake recipe was not all that great! Sorry Lynn!!! I will  return to a tried and true recipe next time!!! 

A New Bed Spread

A couple of weeks ago, I was in Kohls. I saw a spread that I liked. It was a light green and taupe. I brought it home and after a  few days later…just laid it on top of my other spread. Hmmm…..it did not look so well in our room. I walked out, came back a few hours later, still did not like it, took it off the bed for now. Let the girls check it out…they liked it, WB liked it. But , he lets me tend to the house decor, of course he would say that he liked it…he loves me, so he might tell a little white tale if he has too! We all do it, not even thinking about it…if we do not want to hurt feelings…hmmm…whole nother topic! I love him.  All though, that is probably not the best idea  either! He knew I did not love it. If I am going to buy it, I need to love it…..it is going to be with me for a while!

I saw another spread Sunday that I liked, so I took the other one back, pillows and all! I felt so much better after returning that spread. I purchased the other one and like it much more!!! But am I in love with it??? Who knows!!! I think the rest of the room need some help!!! Think nothing…I know it does!!!

Snow White and Prince Charming

Last night, while I was in town, Casey sent me a picture of Kylie, playing dress up as Snow White. She told her Mom, that Bart was her Prince Charming! Then, she said…when is he going to be home, any way? Then she had to call him. I thought it was so sweet and needed to be written down…so I can remember it!!!

Wednesday’s at Grandma’s

On Wednesday’s, Casey has a class this quarter. I have payroll and Grandma Bridges has Kylie….and the rest of the family!!! Yes, Kylie goes over on Wednesday afternoon and Cayla after work. Grandma cooks for all of them, of course, she loves to cook! They go to church, come home and feed the next group that shows up! I am so thankful to have her, she always has been by my side to render her helping hands! Thanks Martha Helen….you are the best!Planting Onions

Season Finished

Today was the last day of picking for this year. Farmer is glad in some way’s, but I will tell you  this….in other way’s he will be miserable! He is so thankful that we were blessed with no accidents, all employees ended the year without being bitten by snakes or getting injured. Praise God for those answered prayers! I know…snakes…..yes we have them, and they are in the squash field and everywhere else.  So that is just one major concern! Then you have the tractor and trailer issues and many other catastrophes that are possible on a farm. Again, I say blessed!

Why will Farmer be miserable….when he ain’t picking he ain’t making no money! Plain and simple!!! Oh, there are still many things to do, like take up the old plastic, fix broken equipment, taxes…yikes, but that involves spending!!! By Spring of next year, he will be more than ready to get those plants in the ground!

Tractor Ride

Today, Kylie decided she needed a tractor ride. Papa was so busy, but he took just a few minutes to ride his little heart throb! I’d say she has him wrapped, he is such a softy!Tractor Ride

My Hair

It is such a pain especially when it rains! (hey, that rhymed)  I am glad I have it! Just do not tell it that it’s raining out side! Shhh!

Finally, I get to cut with Scissors!

With the rainy weather outside today, I decided to get out some construction paper and scissors and let Kylie work on her motor skills. Oh my, did she love it…for hours she cut with these different scissors. She said, that scissors were for big girls and now she is a big girl and little girls don’t use scissors because they can be dangerous! I also taught her about the letter A!IMG_0492 IMG_0490

Butter Beans

I made some green beans and gave Kylie some. She said that I was not supposed to make those kind of beans. She did not like them,  you make butter beans she said! yes em!! Next time…the correct bean!!!

Pa Pa’s Money

Last Sunday night I was talking to Kylie on the phone. She was telling me that she wanted some pank…what??….pank…..oh you want paint!!!! Yes, paint. Can you get me some?  Mom said, “she does not have money for pank right now, Bark can you take me to Momma J’s??? I want to come to your house, Bark is taking me to his house. I said, you can come Tuesday and I will get your pank. Then she said, “Can you get some of Pa Pa’s money to buy it with, Momma J?                     (Well, yes my dear….I will because even though I work for Cole & my hubby….I receive no dollars…I work for love!!!) Guess she thought I actually have a stash some where! LOL

At Last

the cake is done, now she needs some coffee and merry milk??? Oh, sorry…I think she said prairie milk???? Merry milk would probably make you merrier though!IMG_0418

Time to bake

Now that it is covered, she will put it in the oven and turn it on…. just look at her pretend to press the buttons as she watches a little t.v…..imagination!


The cake

She made Pa Pa a cake, now she needs something to cover it with….IMG_0410

My new decor….

Well, now I really know why I do not buy much decor for my house……Kylie has baked Pa Pa a cake with……IMG_0406 IMG_0407

Look what arrived today!

Yes, I ordered the Pioneer Woman’s cookbook. I could not help myself and it was worth it, for the picture so far and I am sure the recipes will be great! It came today!IMG_0365

A Picture of Dawson’s and his Super Hero

A Blast from the past!  Winston with his jersey his Senior year….1980, yes we did have color pictures then!!

Super Hero


While in Michael's the other day, I came across a bag of marbles. Suddenly a flood of memories entered the recall system in what brain I have left….so I will blog about it quickly, before it heads to  the back of my brain or where ever it goes! I had a vision of playing marbles with someone a couple of years older than I was. She would draw the circle in the dirt. Just licking her lips, a waiting on her turn! I remember how well she played marbles and how not well I played!  She would  set her eyes on the ones she liked and wait on her turn. It was no challenge,I assure you! I do not think my sister or I ever beat her at marbles. She played for keeps too!!! We have so many childhood memories and she is certainly as close as a sister and I do love her! Lila, do you still have all those marbles you won??? I do not even remember how to play, not sure I never knew the rules!!! But my hats off to your skills back in the day. We did finally get smart and not play marbles with ya! Ha! Marbles I just had to buy a bag!

A couple of new items

I do not buy many new things for my house, as far as decor, although I need to. I just have a hard time deciding if it will look good or not, and can I live with it for the next ten years! Well, I found these twoIMG_0346 things that I liked and knew they would work in my den.

Superhero Day

This is my first blog entry for the "Life on the Farm", but I felt that those who read this one would love it the most!
Last week at GCS, it was "Red Ribbon Week", and the kids dress up throughout the week to show support for drug awareness. Friday's dress up day was "Super Hero Day: Fighting against Drugs". Dawson dressed up as Winston Bridges as his SuperHero! I thought it was precious and that Jill would love it, so here are the photos!

Happy Halloween

Look what rang our door bell!    The cutest fairy I have ever seen! I am not prejudice at all! She wanted to ring that door bell! Not many people out here in the country do that ya know!





Tonight's Menu

Spanish Delight, roll’s and  Tres Leeches Cake. The cake was requested by some of the ladies at  the packing shed! Ms. Wilma came over and helped me cook this afternoon and I am so thankful. Last night we served BBQ sandwiches. When WB told me it would be another late night tonight, I came home and got out the recipe book and tried to find something that would feed a lot of people. I got up and went to Walmart and Sam’s so I could get finished cooking early.We ended up with 6 of these. I served 5 of them & they ate most of it, all of the cake! Cooking for 30 of them is like serving 50 people because they eat a bunch!!! The recipe said it would feed 10 to 12. They are very appreciative and that makes it worth while. I also made them trick or treat bags…they looked like a bunch of kids getting those treats!   For the past few nights I have been taking some of the ladies to Hahira so they could meet their ride to Nashville GA. I got home around 1:00. We saw 2 deer (benotas in Spanish….they are teaching me a few words…and laughing time the whole time) two nights! After dropping them off and heading IMG_0335IMG_0330back home, one of them was still grazing in the same spot! The cars did not bother him! WB is still at the barn writing up time cards during this time!

From one boring desk to one bright whimsical desk!

I was rather tired of this boring dark desk, so I just decided I would brighten it up!   Very inexpensive!





Girls Night of nieces and grands

My nieces were on fall break and I decided it was way past time to have them over. Normally, we will scrape book..but this time we had the younger girls and that is just a little to young for now. So we settled for a few other ideas. Like the older girls playing on the computers while the younger ones played with the doll house. Then we cooked some supper and apple turnovers and watched a movie. Then it was bed time. NO baths tonight! They are roughing it!Girls

Georgia Bound

After church Sunday AM, Cayla got a call from her work saying she really needed to come in Monday AM instead of PM. We had talked about leaving Sunday rather than Monday, but were undecided. Decision made….pack up the car. This was Kylie when I told her we were going to head back home! She was heart broken as you can tell, what a face! She told me she would just stay with Alex! You also see her saying her good-bye’s to Dalton…so sweet and touching!

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More Saturday Night fun!

Along with foot ball, we had a little dancing…..Kylie was showing Aunt Missy how to do the cupid shuffle. Aunt Missy showed Kylie how to do the stanky leg! Get it Missy!

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Saturday Night Fun

Saturday night we hung out and watched football, while Kylie chased Dalton around the house! He was so nice to Kylie and she just loved him, but who wouldn't?


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I do recommend a visit to Sky Top Orchards in Flat Rock NC…..especially for the donuts!!!

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Now I know why it has taken so long to post this trip…too many pictures…but I love them!!! Today is 10/29/ but I am back dating!

Time to Go!

It was time to bag up our apples and pay for what we had picked, except the granny smith..we bought those instead of walking 3 country miles. As you can see….Kylie bagged up her own!!! After paying they all went to the car and I decided to treat everyone to apple cider donuts. I had no idea how they tasted, had never eaten one. (We wanted a group picture before we left, so Cayla put the camera on the hood of the car.  Of course in the one with Dalton I have my eyes closed….i have been doing that lately….what is the deal!!!) Here is Kylie trying the donuts…she is picky about some foods, as you can tell on her face she was not very sure…but to her surprise they were awesome. Late that night, we noticed 2  of the 12 donuts were left….I thought wonder who will be the lucky two to get those last 2. I could just imagine a cup of coffee with that delicious,scrumptious, moist , melt in your mouth…o:k-----I did not get up early enough to get one, nor did I need it, but I wonder whooooo ate the last twooo??? Did someone sneak in the night??? Or did they eat it with coffee or with a soft drink? Hmmm, who stole the last donuts from the donut jar???   I will anxiously await the confession!!! Ha!

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They also had a bamboo jungle!

While the three of us went on to check out the animals and such, the other three went and sat under the shed to rest and relax!!! Alex in the jail of bamboo.

Kylie and Alex entering the jungle of bamboo. It was pretty dense!


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On the way back from the orchard we spotted these animals. Alex and I took Kylie around to see them, thanks Alex!

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Fun at the Orchard

Here are some funny photos…notice Alex in the first photo and note the apple sign to the far left..pink sweater…pink lady apples. Kylie and I share an apple. Mom with her double protection sunglasses giving the 0:k sign and eating an apple with no hands as Dalton hides from the camera. And Kylie still picking apples to put in her basket!



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