Farms 2011---This my offend some, read at your own risk!

Farming has changed so much over the years. The farm as we all knew it is gone. Not many farms have animals on them anymore. Many of them have irrigation on them so the crops can be  watered. Much of the small farm land has been sold to bigger farms, or made in to subdivisions.

You do not see colored folks or there children or white folks  children helping on the farm. If their is something to be gathered it is done so by machine or immigrant Hispanics. Young folks these day to not know what hard work is, they think playing sports, like basketball is hard work. Well, let me just say this…..I used to love the days I got to get out of the tobacco patch and go to practice and run, walk or play basketball!!!! I was thrilled!!!! Parents these days do not want their children worked that hard. Hence….we have a lazy generation of people.

It used to be that only a certain group of people received a assistance check. Not any more. Now, do not get me wrong. I do not begrudge anyone that needs it. But getting it just because you do not want to work  hard….maybe you need two  jobs to make ends meet, then do it!!! While you are young and able.

People are fussing because the Hispanics are working and some may be receiving some care for health, I am not sure. What I am sure of is this……we have paid people to sit on their porch and stay home and have children for years, while we paid their health care for many babies. Where was your voice then???? And I mean these people did not work.

We had a few come out and try it the other day, to pick some squash….with tennis shoes, big baggy shorts hanging half off their bottoms…..they did not last 2 hours, said the sun was to hot! Don't worry, the white folks can’t do it either!!!   But oh, now we want the working class people sent back home??? Well, you better plant you a garden because you are going to need it! Or better yet, eat what is imported!!!

Eat from Mexico, they have no regulations on their food. WE strive for safe food, it is demanded of us, to the tune of around 10,000.00, that we had to spend a couple of years ago!!! And oh, you want it for free???? I have never gotten a free doctor appointment or anything else!

We have around $6000.00 an acre before we ever pick one piece of vegetable!  Then lets add the labor to it, and people would have you just give it away! If you are starving and hungry and a widow….we will give with a generous heart. Without a doubt!  If  you are able to work, get a JOB!

There is a shortage of workers in Georgia right now. We have lost half of our produce because they are scared to come here, no field help . The bill was passed and will go in affect soon. This month, if you are transporting them to and from work, as their employee, you can be arrested too. WEll, that just may happen……We  have some dental work we need done and WB needs his knee replaced, so maybe we can get that done while we are in there!!!   Free healthcare! Nothing in life is free, it is being paid by someone!!! We do not have any insurance anyway because it costs so much and we are self employed!

So,  go ahead Georgia stick it to the American farmer once again, as you did with NAFTA. I hope our Governor and all the senators tables get bare from the lack of food, or that it is so expensive they can not afford it. But, on the other hand…I am sure they could just go on down to the food bank and get it for free!!! That is what everyone wants, something for nothing. They want us to just give our food away for free. WEll then, will the state of  GA forgive me all of my debts??? Will the IRS forgive me my taxes??? Will the companies I owe just cut up my debt for free??? If so, I will give it away. But, I want a clear deed to my house, cars, land, boat, internet everything!!!

We have people wanting us to give them our culls…to eat, give away or to feed to their cows. Funny thing, we have given plenty. We give to widows, etc. We give to some mans cows, but he trades out some road work with us. One man wants culls for his cows….do you think he would give us a cow for payment???      No, that is how America is today…..take, take, take.       

America has gotten lazy, we are to blessed.

There may be no produce grown on our farm this fall. It is how we pay our bills. We have been handed not one thing, no inheritance…not a thing and we are not counting on that…we work as did our Daddy’s and Mother’s. But, we may start a new beginning at the age of 50. Scary, but we have faith and we know that God is with us, so we will stand strong and tough!

It is very critical here, several of the largest growers in the southeast are talking about not planting this fall. The thing is, they do not have to do it anyway. They have got plenty of money. It will effect truck drivers, pickers, packers, brokers, secretaries, grocery stores and the list could go on and on!

Buy American when at all possible. Do not begrudge the working people, begrudge the non-workers who our government  has allowed to sit on their bums for years and collect checks.

OK---I feel better!!! LOL

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