10/20/2007 A Saturday with Mom

Well, today I spent the day with my Mom. We went to Sam's, then to Hobby Lobby, the mall and then to visit Aunt Jean. She was in her bed when we got there. We stayed & talked. She told us that she had scooted to the end of her bed & got out, her feet slipped & she fell up against the wall, said she was there around 3 hours, the nurse said about an hour. She was fine, not hurt! But she now has a mat under her that will sound a beeping noise if she gets up or moves around to much! She got the nurse to get her up & in the wheel chair. We took her down to a sun room for a while, then she asked us if we wanted to go outside. Well, she wanted to! I went & asked how to get her outside. Here we go, she wants to go & see the pond. Well, we wheeled her out the only way we knew. It was at an entry way, drop off area. We could see the pond a little. Mom & I sat down in the rockers, it was a little chilly. She sat there a few minutes, then she said, this is not where I was last time!Hee! I asked a employee if we could get her any closer to the pond, she said we could take her down the sidewalk. Then the girl asked her if she was talking about the goldfish pond, yeah that's it!Hee! Here we go, we finally got there & it was very nice & pretty, lots of goldfish!!!We stayed a little while longer, then we had to go so Mom could get her medicine before the RX closed. We took her back to the nurse station, that is where she stays a lot because she wants to get up by herself. She is taking walking therapy 3 times a week! She wanted us to stay longer & we wished we could. She teared up when Mom hugged her bye! We enjoyed seeing her & hope she will get some of her strength back!

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