Doctors Appointment

We went to the dr. for Cayla's knee today. Cayla can have surgery when ever we are ready. Her knee is pretty unstable. You can look at her right leg and see all the definitions of her muscle's! You look at the left and there is a big difference! Just is 4 weeks time! Her class at school are going to Orlando for there Senior Trip the week of March 17th. Her DR told her she could go, but would have to be extremely careful. Just think about trying to get on a ride, you have to twist your knees to get in some of them & to get out. He said she could damage her meniscus! I believe she has decided not to go. It would not be fun to stand & watch at Disney World. I told her I would take her some where this summer! We may try to do it the week of the trip. We have no insurance so we are looking at a couple of different things!

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