Fabulous Fridays

I tell you, Friday’s and Monday’s on the farm are an adventure. The workers got home early Thursday, we had a short picking day. This is not always the best for them as they like to celebrate an end to a early workday, if you know what I mean!!! Well, Sure enough Friday comes around, at least 7 are at home with hang over’s, a couple are at work in this condition, one of the crew leaders had his van stolen, by one of his crew, anther one had to have a visit from the Morven PD! All this leaves us short handed needless to say, which means someone has to pick up the slack. That usually falls on WB, Bill, Cole and even myself!  Wonder why WB has grey hair! It is like having a small army of teenagers! But we are so thankful to have them, we could not do it without them! 

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