This morning I took Bentley to the doctor, acid reflux-but to young for the medication….oh boy! Changed his milk. Left and went to Hahira to visit the Cowart family for just a few minutes, then went to get Cayden and deliver Mother’s Day gifts. We went to see my Mom and her new pad! It is very nice and just right for her! Then, we left and came home-----gave both of them a bath and now I must get ready for the visitation!

Cayla and the boys rode with us and Casey and Bart came later.

Her Mom is a beautiful lady. They had some pictures of their wedding and I enjoyed seeing those. The first thing Josie asked WB when he walked in….where are my boys? Bentley just loves her and she loves him!!! When we walked in she got her hands on him right away!     

We did not stay to long, before we had to get back to the farm----change the irrigation!

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