Heaven is rejoicing.

Daddy Ralph went to be with his heavenly Father today around 12:30. Oh how well I know how they will miss him. My heart aches for all of them. I know they will miss him deeply.  I know my nephew’s and nieces hearts are hurting as well as Paul and Lynn, we are holding you in our hearts even though we are separated my many miles. Paul, how blessed you are to have been given two wonderful parents!!! I am so sorry and I love you all!

The Toys r Us ads.

Kylie asked Papa for a ride on the 4-wheeler today. He rides her on it quite often. It was a little cool and misting so he told her they would have to wait due to the weather. She said OK, but let me show you somefhing. She brought him the toy ad from the Sunday paper. She showed him a pink 4-wheeler, told him that if he got that for her, she would not have to wide his anymore and she did not want that other color, it’s for boy’s. He  told her that he would see. He started to leave and she insisted that he take the flyer with him so he would not forget what it looked like. He started to take it from her, she changed her mind and told him she would put it in his truck so he would  not forget it, he said that he would take it, but oh no….she insisted on taking it herself. He opened the door and she climbed right on in and put it on the console. I was laughing so hard. She came back and stood by me at the door, I looked at her and said…..you told me that you wanted a swing set. She said, “Just two stings, this and the swing set! Then she asked me why I was laughing so hard! Hide those ads! I remember spending hours circling most of the toys in the Sears catalog!

Just the right amount of seating!

Today, Kylie and I made pasaghetti…in Kylie’s words. Papa, Cole and Mr. Bill came in to eat. She had been making her own recipe of sugar, salt and pepper. She took the shakers, place the on the table, then began arranging where we would sit. She had a place especially for her Momma, then she asked if Bark was working still. She had not planned on Mr. Bill or Cole and Cole was a little late because he was not at the farm right then. She had me bring in the  high chair from the dining room for her, too! We were all seated and eating, right where she told us, then Cole joined us…now her Mom was still at work and would not be eating at the same time….but she insisted she have a place. As She was eating and talking,  all of a sudden, she figured out that the seating was not just right . We were one chair short. She immediately told Mr. Bill to move over dhere and get the other chair, her Momma had to have a chair. She just told us all what to do and we did it!??? After the seating was proper she finished her pasaghetti!

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