
" A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away."
- Arabian Proverb

I called my dear friend Marie today to see if she could meet for lunch, we do this on occasion and I just love it. She is the bestest friend you could ever want or need. I also love her husband who I knew before Marie. He got a great women when he snagged her!!! And Greg, well who could not love him. I never had any brothers, but I will tell ya, he ranks right there on the brothers list. I have a few guys who I consider great friends and he is at the top of the list. I am so glad these two found each other…I gained a new best friend when this happened and have been  richly blessed and am honored to have her as a friend. The proverb above describes our friendship, we can bare our souls to each other and not worry about it. Marie, I love you and thank you for your friendship. Looking foreword to our next  session!!! LOL One day…New York, New York!!!


Since we have become empty nester’s so to speak, I have been helping WB with a few more things on the farm…like cooking!!!  Well, he was commenting on how much he appreciated it and how even his clothes he had worn to work that day had been making it back to  his closet by the next night, and he really liked it!….I told him not to get to used to it…. He said, “I haven’t had this much attention in years!” Poor thing, I guess it is true. I did try, but with all the kid’s, coaching and teaching over the years, a grand baby, I am sure he did get pushed to the side at times. He is loving every minute…(well, he does miss the crazy house and would welcome it again I am sure) of  my undivided attention…except the days Kylie’s here. He is a mess!


Well, I hate to tell this…but the closets have not been repainted since we built this house. That would be 1996! Can you believe that?? Oh, how embarrassing! But who really wants to unload the whole closet to paint? Not anyone around here and if we had not had kids moving out it would probably been a few more years. I decided it just had to be done, so I have done 2 closets. This one is in my office & just could not load it up until I painted…I just need more shelves!IMG_9424 Also need a new rod.

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