Funny Grands

Casey and Cayla and their families came over. WB cooked, he is so good about that…I do the cleaning! After we ate, the girls put the two youngest on the quilt to play.

Miss Isabella was all about taking all of the toys, and they were all Cayden’s. It was so funny, she had this look like she was on a serious mission. But, she also needed time to chew on them. Boy was she busy. If she saw him look at one,  she would crawl over and start hitting at the toy, with her hand, until she got it close to her.

Funny thing is….he did not care one little bit! He would pick one up, chew it and just look at her and smile. He just wanted to look at her and talk and smile! 

Winston was so proud to see the babies and his girls. He has been working so hard and not been able to take time to visit!

Bart and Casey left and went home early. WB went to bed. I stayed up with the night owls! LOL! We  watched some tv and I got some Cayden sugars. Cayla went to sleep -as usual, Ryan has to stay on his night schedule so we stayed up and watched Ice Truckers…until I just had to go to bed!!!

Thanks for taking time to spend a little time with us, we enjoyed it.

WB, the wings were very good!!!

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