On Lawson Pond....Morven GA
Many years ago, when we were first married, we fished a lot. I did not know much about fishing. Our Dad did not take us, who could blame him....5 women! I do remember going 1 or 2 times! I had never used an open faced reel. Well, my hubby was set on me learning! He got all of his open faced reels out, 5 or so, put them in the boat & off we went! When casting with this type of reel, you cast it...then right before it hits something...tree, water, the person beside you, the other side of the boat...get the picture....I did them all, you put your thumb on the line thats on the reel & stop it. The worm falls to the bottom of the pond & you just sit & wait for this bump, bump...which is a fish..to pick it up..then you set the hook & you got a big ole bass...if your lucky on your hook! Well, if you don't stop it you will get what they call a birds nest...when the line is just tangled all up sitting right their on that reel, looking like a birds nest. Some of the time you can get it out, but if it is a really big one..then you have to cut the line off the reel & hope you have enough left to catch a big ole bass! Well, I know that as I was learning this new skill, I had a bird's nest in every one of his reels! I would cast, hit something, usually not the water...Ha...hand it to him & he would give me another one! I must be honest...at times I was glad all those reels had a knot in them! I needed a break! I got them in the trees over head, hit him with them, hit the water behind me, oh my, did we do some laughing!! He was so patient, and amused I suppose...because we did a whole lot of fishing..and he would just laugh at me! He did teach me how to get those bird nest out though! This is one of the ponds I learned to fish in! Since then this dam has been built. As I passed by it yesterday, I decided to stop & snap a few pictures. It is so pretty to me. When Winston saw the pictures he reminded me about our adventures. I must mention Greg Brown because he probably go hit in the head a couple of times as he was with us many times!!! Oh what fond memories...Winston your the best! Posted by Picasa
A few months ago Grandma Bridges bought Kylie some Snowman PJ's. Thanks Grandma! Wish it would snow!!
Doctor's Visit: Winston finally decided to go to the Dr. with his shoulder. It has been bothering him for a few months. I think this is his 2nd visit to the Dr. in 26 years! They took an x-ray..nothing broke, the Dr. did not think that it was, but we wanted to rule that out! He told him he could try a cortisone shot & it may help. It also could be a tear in the rotator cuff, that will take a MRI. We are going to give this shot a chance. Then may try come exercises....then move on to the next step if this does not work! Winston told him he wanted to try the shot. When he got out the needle...Winston said, that's a big needle!!! Are you gonna numb it? Yep, I was laughing!!! Then he said, that's a lot of medicine in their!!! He gave him the shot & it must of hurt just a bit...the medicine, not the needle! Take it like a man, baby!!!! The funniest thing was him telling them what he thought was wrong with him! He may be right! I told them to meet Dr. Bridges!
Posted by Picasa I wanted to take a picture of one of my flowers before this cold came. Every year about the time it blooms...the cold gets it!

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