Showers of Love

Tonight we gathered at a dear friends house for a lovely shower given in honor of Cayla. It was  right up the road at Linda Cooper’s house. She was  so kind and sweet to host this for Cayla! So many friends and family came to show their love and support and I will forever be thankful to everyone! A special thank-you to: Linda Cooper , Cindy Ellis, Barbara Colson, Mary Jean Armstrong, Vicki Copeland, Debra Deloach and Martha Bridges!   

Cayla & Ryan Central Wed1

So many people came and we had so much fun, everyone had a great time visiting!!!

Cayla & Ryan Central Wed2

We surely must count our blessings because we were showered with so much love!!!

Cayla & Ryan Central Wed3 

Thank-you God for this awesome family!!!

We are going to Maryland to visit a dear High School friend. We were supposed to ride with Mickey and Dee King, but after vacationing in a home with lots of stairs, WB’s knee will just not let him. So, we will fly! 

After the shower we decided to hit the road on down to Jacksonville and stay close to the airport. Yes, we  left around 10:00 and arrived around 12:00! So excited!

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