Cole's Wild Pig's.....pig 9/2007

I just have to blog this while I have it on my mind! Emmett, my father-in-law, has quite a few wild hogs on his farm. A friend of his comes & sets traps to catch them, they fatten & slaughter them! Well, Cole decides he needs some pork in his freezer. Now, he goes over & gets 2 wild pigs. (Where do you think he is going to keep them??? )He puts them in his dog kennels in the back of his truck to bring them OVER HERE!!! Well, he lets down the tailgate, gets 1 out, turns around to put it in the pen. Well duh.....the other one squeezes through the bars of the kennel & high tails it through the yard & into the woods!!Hee Haw!! So now he has 1 pig!!! Now you know we grow produce on plastic & any animal with hooves can poke holes in it & eat the veggie's!!! His Dad was not to happy bout this as u can imagine!!! I finally saw this pig yesterday...(10/01) & I can tell ya this, gonna take a whole lot a food to fatten that po thing up!!! I believe it would be just as cheap to go to Sam's or Publix & buy some pork!!!!

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