Friday night as Kylie & I were taking a bath, I noticed the hot water seemed to run out quicker than usual. I did not say anything, I figured the girls might have just gotten out or something. Sat. night...same scenario . When WB got home I told him he might want to wait a few minutes before he showered...unusual for our house.....large water heater. He decided it must be the element. After an hour & bringing out the big tools he got the element out. We flew to Home Depot, arrived at 8:45! They had them, thank goodness! We ate & came home. The top was easy, the bottom...not! Winston, Cayla & myself all tried to get it out. Cayla sat on the floor, put her feet on the water heater & pulled & pulled, it was quite funny!!! Winston finally got it! It was ready to go around 11:15! We have hard water so......after 12 years, the bottom one needed to be replaced. We have lots of repairs that are beginning to show up!

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