Little Bird Watcher

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We walked to the barn today to check on the wood peckers & for Kylie to play and see Papa.
She played in the dirt for a while & pulled up a bucket to watch the wood peckers take food to their babies. After a bit I went in & got a coke, Kylie had one earlier. It did not take long before she came over to get some coke..she loves it. She told me that the coke her Mom had at home was was diet rite cola. She asked what was wrong with it anyway? I told her it was a different kind, she said this kind was gooood! She pulled up a bucket, got out my camera book, flipped through the pages, said she was gonna watch the birds too. I wanted another picture of them flying. Papa came over & talked to her for a minute. When he left she said he scared the birds because he was talking. She said you have to be quiet when you bird watch.....she is never quiet.....lived with Moma J to long! This kid will crack you up!

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