Isabella is really doing some walking. They got her some tennis shoes and oh my…..she has not stopped since then. She will be running soon!!! All she does is walk and explore. She will climb the stairs also…..very quietly!!!

One night when she stayed with us, she was dancing a little. Papa came in and saw her and danced a little too….he kind of got his arms going back and forth and bounced. WELL……every time Isabella see’s her Papa now……she dances. First, she shakes the bottom half of her body and bounces…then she starts with the top….it is so funny!!!   

Looking Good

Swim Lessons 002

Great Job at Swim Class

Well, it looks like we have finally made some progress at swim today! She just needed a little extra time, instruction and understanding! We also put goggles on her and that helped very much!!! There is more to it than what I ever knew!!! I really think I might should sign up…lol!!!

Swim Lessons 2011-09-30 

First picture, Kylie is “star fishing”…..floating on her back, chin high. (Next picture….she has flipped and is kicking.) They teach this so if they ever get tired or in trouble they know how to float. Why is it harder for some to float than others? I have seen it all my life! Well, Kylie has a hard time with this, her legs want to stay at the bottom, or when she rolls from face down to up…she has a tendency to sit up, which makes her sink! Also you have to not move your legs and arms. They taught her how to squeeze her butt checks together to  make her hips and tummy come to the surface!  So they worked a lot today on this with her!

Bottom left….Ms. Margie has her arm under her upper back and they are holding hands. She has her way  high in the water, which is how they want them! Next pix…flipping again!

Swim Lessons 2011-09-291

Ok----top left??? She decided to be a manatee I think!!! Took a trip to the bottom of the pool! LOL! Top right…coming up and flipping on her back to starfish! Another problem…looking at the bottom of the pool! She wants to look ahead. They want them to look down, so she has to work on this! But is looking good!

Swim Lessons 2011-09-29 

Top right, working on kicking, feet should stay just under the water, it makes you go faster than kicking on top! Ms. Margie is counting and then she will let her turn. She did so much better today! Looks like we may move on to the next class after next week!!!

I am just amazed at the younger kids, how quickly those babies and toddlers catch on….they scream and holler, but after 3  or 4 weeks of it, they know what to do. They start counting…one, two….and they will start sticking their head under!!!  Yesterday they had a little one wear his shoes, socks and jeans and he star fished and  rolled. It makes sense, they usually fall in with all of their clothes on!!!

I love it! I am ready to take Isabella…if her parents want too!!!

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