Everyone was up and at em this am to go with Kylie on her first day of school.
As we got out of the car, Kylie handed Bart her little bunny ( she has had it since birth, and i love him as much as she does) to put in his pocket. He did as she asked, with his face turning outward. She told him no….turn him the other way with his face in. Bart asked why? She said, because his face is dirty and I do not want my teacher to see him with a dirty face! It was so funny and she was so serious. Bunny is in the car every afternoon for her to love on and she does! It is the first thing she grabs!
Off to class we go, she is a little more apprehensive today because there are so many people! But, once she got a hug from her teacher she was A-OK!
Bart giving his suppport to Kylie!
Hugs from Mom!
I love this!
I know that kids need to go to school to learn, but I do not like it starting in August. The summers are to short!!! No more staying up late at night, spur of the moment trips, and not as much spending the night at the farm! boo hoo!