When you have a grandchild it makes Christmas fun all over again! They will make you get your halls decked! A few of my favorite things!
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Our Church Christmas party was Sunday night after church. Kylie had been at her other families house for the weekend. She got home early today so we thought we would go on to church. When Casey opened the door & she was crying should have been the first indication of what was to come. We got dressed, made some food & headed out. OH boy, she was so exhausted that she was crying about anything and everything!!!! We did attend the party for a short time. When it got time for Santa, she had acted up so bad that we just had to go! That baby was so exhausted. All I can say is that we did try, and tortured ourselves in the process! She is usually so good, but as of late she really needs a nap sometime during the day! I did get a couple of pictures .

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