
Church today: First, Kylie has had some allery problems & has been coughing. A friend of mine was sitting beside us, Ms. Shirley Dame came over to talk to Kylie. She was stoking Kylies hair and talking to her. Kylie was turned facing Georgianna, just a smiling, had just drank some chocolate milk, had it in her mouth still & had to cough. Well, poor Georgianna got chocolate milk coughed all over her. Thank goodness she wore a black dress today. I mean there were sprinkles on her hair, face, dress & legs! I felt so bad. So glad for wet wipes! After the opening prayer the guy said Amen....Kylie said, "Amen"....out loud! She did not stop there. In a few minutes she was telling us to get her out da here! "Get me out da here", she said! Needless to say everyone around us was laughing! What a Sunday!!

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