Happy Birthday Emmett

Yes, amongst all this excitement our Dad had a birthday!!!

His boys got him a rod-n-reel! He loves to fish!!!

Happy fishing EB!!! We love ya!!! 


Uncle Cole and Aunt Josie meet Bentley!

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Bentley on his Birth Day!






Cayden meets Bentley

Day One

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I took Cayden to meet Bentley and see Mom and Dad! He really did not know what to think. Brought back lots of memories when I had my first two!

He kept looking at me like…what have they done??? After a while he warmed up a little. He did not like his Mom in that strange bed!

That night he went to bed at 11:45! Oh boy am I tired and ready to sleep,  not a wink since Monday night!

Day Two

Just a few things we did while Mom and Dad are at SGMC with Bentley.

Rode the tractor, played in Papa’s tools, swept the floor, etc!

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Ryan came out a shot his pistol for a bit and then took Cayden to see his Mom. I went and picked him up later on!

Warming up more today! Mom was up and out of the bed and I think that made him feel better!!!

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Day Three

Warmed up for sure!!! Cayden calls Bentley-----Bent!!!

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