Definitely Time

After stopping by the mail box the other day and the door falling completely off, it was definitely time for a new one!!! Yes, I knew that we needed one & had looked at some but could not decide about the post. Plus, it was still working & I just kind of liked my big ole rusty one! So, I just kept comming home without one! Last night we decided we just had to get one so we went to Lowes & got it & a post! This morning we put it up, even put it in cement! After getting the mail out....we had a notice from the post master that our box needed some attention! Ha! That was an understatement! I will just have to remember when giving directions that I won't be able to say...just look for the rusty mailbox!!! I even splurged & sprayed the weeds & put out some pine straw...maybe I will put the numbers on this one! I bet the mail carrier will think she is at the wrong box!!
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