Posted by Picasa The 1st picture..this boy came in late & Kylie made sure he was o:k! The pictures on the top row right...a song about being down in a hole & coming up, up, up with Jesus. 2nd row...the girl beside her is so cute & very busy...she was on the stage, off the stage..here I believe she fell off the stage..Kylie is helping & laughing! Next three..really getting in to the acting...I mean singing, even a little twirl....I don't know how she did not fall off the stage! Next shot....I believe she is giving her teachers the eyes! Bottom row, these two had performed so hard they just had to take a break...they finally looked at Mema J & Grannie Connie & got back on stage. Finally our certificate....Kylie must have really left an impression..the lady said that if you wanted to be entertained you just needed to talk to this little girl....oh my!

VBS Take 1 @ Pauline Church

Last week Kylie visited with her Spencer family. Grannie Connie took her to one of the country churches for VBS. Kylie came home Friday morning, she was so tired, but their program was Friday night. Casey had to work, so I took her to the program! It was so cute and what a performance she & a few others entertained us with! You can see as the pictures progress some of them got quite comfortable on stage. I will post two collages. This is the beginning of the program! One of the songs was about keeping your eyes on Jesus. She was a beat behind on her actions, but I loved it.
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