10/17/2007 Expo

Today Papa & I took you to the Expo. I remember taking all of our children as they grew. We have only missed a few years. The Expo is held in Moultrie GA. It takes about 30-45 minutes from our house. It promotes the farming industry. New equipment, animal exhibits, plane rides, big tractors, the list goes on! We took you mainly to see the animals. Farms are so different now. Many do not have animals. Only a few raise hogs, chickens, etc.It's just not like it use to be. We live a fast pace & do not have time for animals. Besides someone has to feed them!!!! Feed is expensive. I really think we are missing out on the good ole days! Any way, we put you in your stroller & just rolled you right up to those big ole cows. You looked at them, then at me and grinned!! I asked you what the cow said, and you told me! Papa was so proud to take you, it was his idea, he wanted you to see the animals! He took off of work a couple of hours, left it with Uncle Cole! We saw horses, goats, sheep, pigs, alpaca's, lama's, bulls, heifers. My favorite thing was the "got milk?" truck. They had calves & momma cows, they are called Holstein's which are milking cows! They had a semi-trailer set up so they could show how they milk cow!!! They told all about how much they eat & milk they produce! You were more interested in the dog beside the trailer! After the demonstration they had ice cream & milk! You liked the ice cream, but no the white milk, you like chocolate! They also gave out these small cow toys made out of a soft foam. She gave you 2. Before we knew it you had bit the nose off of one. You finished off the rest of it today! We did not stay very long, you were tied & it was hot! But we enjoyed watching your face when you saw the animals!!! We love you!

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