
After meeting the Hughes and dropping off the boys, I needed to go and see my sweet Katie get married. Well, as I am driving back from the Interstate----I can barely stay awake, and believe me…me staying awake is not a problem, falling asleep-yes. I knew I was in trouble and asked the Lord to help me make it home safely.

I did and about 12:00 I ate a little lunch and told WB that I was going to get on the couch and watch a little t.v.----not, I woke up at 2:00! I was so sad that I had missed the wedding because I love all of them so much! But, I also know when I have reached my  limit and I had. The lack of sleep was overwhelming and I hate I missed it!!! But Katie knows I love her and she will understand, and guess what….they are still married, even if all of us did not get to go!!! Love you guys!!!

Want to see the pictures some time!!!

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