During church today they had a background of a sky, grass and a man...kind of a character look of Jesus...I guess. Anyway, Kylie looked up at it and said....look, it's the real God! She also was looking at her picture Bible book. It had pictures of Jesus on the cross etc. She wanted to know what had happened. She said he had a boo boo! Out of the mouth of babes!
Winston & Shoes: I have to blog about Winston & shoes. When we go married his shoes were to little. He was miserable! I don't know why, but they were. I guess they ordered the wrong size. Well at the funeral Thursday, his shoes were to big. Now, you know he does not wear a suit every Sunday. I quit with that along time ago! He did not get out anything ahead of time, of course! I did get out his suit & tie and check it out! I did not worry about his shoes, but I did get them out & wipe them off, I thought! He put them on & said they felt big. I said, maybe you had on thick socks when you bought them...I mean I had no idea how big they were. When we got out to the church, he said "I hope I can keep these on!" I said...are they that big? Yep! He asked Cole if they were his, he did not think so! Well, when we got home he kept talking about it. I told him to check the size. They were a 13......yep...they are Cole's! I did not even know we still had any of Cole's things at our house! Winston did find his dress shoes...maybe next time I will remember what they look like! I know Grandma would get a kick out of this story! I have a few funny tales from my Dad's funeral. I will blog them one day! I know it is a serious time, but lets face it, you just can not stop funny things from happening! At my funeral , everyone has my permission to laugh, wear your jeans and have a celebration of my life. Oh yes, a grave side(sp) service is fine with me! Nothing very long or anything!
Happy Birthday Emmett! Tomorrow is my Daddy-in-laws birthday! EB, I hope you have the best day ever, you deserve it! I really admire you, as do all of your boys...son's...men! I enjoy hearing Winston talk about you and how hard you worked for all of your family through the years. Working 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet & provide for your family.Working grave yard & switching with fellow workers to coach them & make it to their games and activities. No one can ever say you did not spend time with your boys! Over the past 26 years I have watched you grow into a compassionate, great man! I am very proud of you and proud to be a part of your family. Thank you for all the sweet and encouraging notes at Christmas!! I Love you, Jill

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