A Little Nap

Today we had a couple of tired kiddos in Sunday School class. Here is Miss Jessica Holton getting in a nap. Ginny said that she woke up at 4:00 this morning. Bless her heart, she just could not hold her head up. Ginny had told me if she got sleepy, just let her lay on the pillow...on the floor..on the table...as you can tell it did not matter to Jess! Another young man laid his head down & rested a little also. Vicki said this class was just boring....and we had not even started the lesson yet!!Ha! They were decorating cards for their Dad's!!! Jess got her nap in, woke up & was ready to go!!! We just could not pass up a picture of this. I told them I was resigning as the teacher asap, if they were falling asleep this quick, there was no hope for me when I started the lesson!!! A sweet memory!!! Love these kiddos! Thanks to Vicki for her assistance....thank-you!!! We have had 13 the past 3 weeks!!! Great attendance!
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