February 1 2008

We got up today and began to get Cayla ready for school. This is not an easy task when you can not stand on one of your legs. And if you move the wrong way you are in pain! Walking on crutches is not an easy task itself! I also had to get Kylie ready to go with us! We are just not in a very good way, we are depressed about this whole situation we are in. We know that life will go on and that this is a bump in the road, but that does not ease our hurting hearts. We have had something snatched away from us that we have enjoyed for years & years. Yes, the end was close, but to go out injured with no chance to play soccer is just so depressing! Oh well, we loaded up and headed on our way. We went by Chick-fil-A to get them a biscuit. The drive was wrapped around the building so I went in....wrong choice. I waited in line behind 1 lady. The cashier left, got this ladies order, gave it to her. Walked past me like I was not there. I am the only one standing at the counter. I moved to the next register....2 other cashiers gave orders to people who were waiting on their order. I moved down to another register. AS I did this, the first cashier I was at asked a lady who just walked in the door if she could help her.....well, that was fine, the young bitty....then the cashier at the cashier next to me asked a lady who had just walked up, if she could help her!!!!!Well, I will just tell you, they got me on the wrong day... I told her that she could help me! That I was their before either of the 2 ladies they had asked if they could help. I said, I must be invisible, I have been standing here for 10 minutes & none of you asked if I needed anything!!!But you let people walk in the door & you wait on them. She apologized & I told her what I wanted. I told her I was not trying to be ugly, but that I would like to be served, & not treated like I was invisible. I really started to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming or something! Finally, we got to school. Then Ky & I went to the cleaners, then to Walmart to the get groceries. We play Fullington tonight. They beat us at their gym, we did not play well that night. One of their players came over to our girls tonight and asked, Where is you #31 at tonight? Carly told her she was probably sleeping, she is taking Lortab's because she tore her ACL. The girl said, man that is bad! Well, it is bad for ya'll, but good for us. Yes, that is true, in most things there is bad and good. The good in this situation is that these girls have got to learn not to depend on one person to do everything. They have played 2 games without Cayla and we have seen a couple of players begin to take on some new responsibilities. Tonight more girls hustled and helped tote the load. They played well, buckled down and shared the load. We were proud of them.( I saw girls hustling & moving their feet on defense that I have not seen but a couple of games this year.) Now, it was one of the hardest things I have ever done, to sit & watch as my child was injured. Just to have to see her watch & not be able to help her team mates. I was so proud of them all, but I was so hurt for my own. We left after their game, It just makes you sick, but you want to support the other girls so you just suck it up & go!! I just really appreciate all who have been compassionate for Cayla and us during this difficult time! Took a few pictures so we can remember this years from now. I think Cayla's face says it all!

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