Happy First Birthday Sweet Isabella

A year ago today we were blessed with a second grand daughter! She is a sweetie and we love her so much! Happy Birthday!

She is so funny…she does not smile if she does not want too! She does not like shoes or socks. She is a girl of few words, but knows how to get what she wants! She does not like the feel of grass on her feet, yesterday I put her down in the grass and laid down beside her…..she climbed up on my stomach and sat with her feet up so she was not touching the grass!!! She crawls really fast. She is taking steps, but would rather you do the work! She gets jealous when Kylie or Cayden get in my lap. She loves things that are soft! When she wants to eat she will smack her lips, or keep crawling to the kitchen!

When she sees her Papa she gets really shy! She will tilt her head to the side and smile at him. She rode the 4-wheeler with him yesterday and loved it!

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