A Happy Day

Well, my birthday was today and it was a pleasant day. My friend/mother-in -law, treated myself and the girls to lunch at Covington's. It was so good & the company was the best. We could not have asked Kylie to be any better. She acted like a little lady. Earlier in the day she was not very happy, I told her that if she wanted to go & eat with the big girls she should straighten up or she would have to go to the sitters....she said she wanted to go with the big girls....and she did!! I got a gift card for a pedicure...yes!!! I got an ipod...I have enjoyed this more than I thought!! Something about those 60's & 70's songs! Some shirts, a plant, and some money. My maw-in-law also made the best chocolate cake ever!! yum Thanks to all of you who made this day special. It just comes around to soon!!!

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