Happy 50th Emmett and Martha------July 9th

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On Sunday, July 17th, Two-thousand and eleven, a 50th anniversary celebration was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Bridges. After family members gathered for morning services at Dasher Church of Christ, a lunch was held in honor of the couple at the Kinderlou Country Club.

The couple of 50 years received a memory book of their lives together and a lovely picture frame. The frame held a picture of the couple on their wedding day as well as a recent picture.

Included in the memory book are personal letters of memories from each of their sons and daughter as well as one from each of their grandchildren. All of their participation made the book special!

The celebration was hosted by:  Mr.  and Mrs. Winston Bridges, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bridges, Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bridges and Miss Jenny Lynn Bridges.

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