08/24/2007- The Farm

Want to know what is happening on the farm? Well, the fall crops are planted for the most part as you can tell from the pict. There are a lot of white flies so you see the sprayer going. You also see the workers putting sticks in. This is so we can tie the peppers & eggplants to the stake when they get larger. One picture is of the tractor hooked to a big trailer of stick....the little tractor kept rearing up from all the weight. It was funny, but scary. I called WB and told him, he sent Booda up to handle the task!!! They were all hooping & hollering in the field when it was popping up!!! They don't see the danger!!

08/22/07/Cayla 17th

Today Kylie & I went to town to get a b-day gift for Cayla & get groceries. We also stopped by Macado's , the dry cleaners, and several other places. Kylie was very good! At Publix she road in the cart that looks like a car, has a steering wheel!! She enjoyed that. She also wanted to eat everything in the cart!!! She was so friendly to everyone she saw!!! Today is Cayla's 17th b-day. I just can't believe it!!! We bought her a couple of pair of earrings, and a scrapbook for her Sr. Year. She also got a new bed spread earlier. We all went out to eat at Austin's for her b-day. Winston, Cole, Casey, Kylie, Cayla, Austin, Earl and myself. It was a nice night. Thanks goodness for ON STAR!!

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