Little Trooper

We arrived at the hospital at 5:35 this am. We told Kylie we were going to let the doc check her ears. She was ok with that, but wanted to stay home & sleep! She got checked in, wore her bracelet proudly! In the new building they had a tv in the room so she had on her little gown & just sat on the edge of the bed & watched cartoons! They gave her meds to relax her. I held her after she got really relaxed...she leaned her head back on her Mom in the chair next to us & started was cute! She told us she did not want to leave us. The nurse told her she was going to blow up a green balloon, get a sticker etc. We told her we would be a few doors down, waiting on her. She rolled down the hall in that big ole bed just like a big girl! She did not cry until she woke up. The nurses went above & beyond tending to her every want & need. She wanted her blanket, pillow, cup and her green balloon. They came & asked if she was supposed to have a green balloon. I sent Grandma Bridges to Winn Dixie to get a green balloon. We told her what the OR nurse had told Kylie she could blow up a balloon. It was the green balloon that they blow in to put them to sleep. They went, got one, blew it up as best they could. When they gave it to her she cried & don't have a string on it. The OR nurse was surprised that Kylie remembered about the balloon! Martha brought the one from WD, it was cute...she wanted the one the ladies made her more! They wheeled her to the room in a recliner on wheels, she wanted her Mom...Casey got in the chair & held her. They gave her Demoral & Lortab to calm her after she woke ....and calm her it did. It was 11:30 before we got out of there. She had to drink so much fluid & go to the restroom. Never went to the potty, but did drink a little more. They finally got her to walk around & that woke her up the most, then they removed the IV & we were able to go home. She told she wanted to stay there with he DR. She was so sleepy! Went & got RX filled, purchase Popsicle's...... she told me she wanted the kind they had. Then told her Mom that she could have all she wanted of them...that's what the Nurse told her!! Thanks Martha for coming & helping us out...& for breakfast & the balloons! Your the best!

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