Potty Training!!!

Kylie woke up Monday & announced she needed to potty. I said...great & got out the big girl panties! She did not poop in the potty all week. She told me she did not want her poo poo to go down that hole! Ha! I told her that is where it is supposed to go....she would not go! When she came back today, she had gone at the Spencer's twice!!! Yes!! They dropped her off at the golf course & within 15 minutes she needed to go. She told me & we hurried to the restroom. I put her on the potty, she told me to go potty that I did not need to watch her! I waited outside of her door, for a long time!!! She kept announcing...I not through yet.....10 seconds later... I still not though yet.... that was not nothing...that was a frog! We were in there so long that Papa came to check on us!! I told him we were having a poop marathon with minute to minute updates! She would get off the toilet, open the door...tell me...I not frew yet...close the door...& lock it! It was funny! She is almost 3 & it is time!!! We were beginning to think she would go to school wearing a pull up! Now, for the paci!!!

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