
I went & got my hair fixed today. Great -Grandma Bridges and Aunt Jen Jen kept Kylie for me!! I am so thankful they are willing to help me, I could not make it anywhere without them! Thank the both of you so much!!! I know Kylie helped Granddaddy shell some peas! I did not get to visit due to groceries in the car! Jen had to postpone her cleaning for the day! Thank-you Jen!!! I love ya!


It's Harvest Time!! It is time to pick our vegetables, an exciting & very busy time for the farm! Some of the pict are the day before they began picking & then some of the actual first day of Harvest! God has surely blessed us! I am blessed by having a husband that is a hard worker! He loves to farm & loves providing for his family! He has a heart that is very giving & I am so blessed to share in his life! Thank you Winston for all of your hard work & love for your family! We do not know what the future holds for farming with all of the labor problems & laws, but we will enjoy it while it is here! Be sure and pray for the farmers in America...I really do not want to be eating food from other countries. They can spray anything on their crops without much regulations....and then we import it...go figure!! Our gov't is just grand!!!


It will be Ky. & myself until late tonight, Casey has a class. It has been another beautiful day. Windy & cooler. I decided to wash Ky. pallet and bun bun this morn. Well, it was fine until she saw her bun bun through the window in the washer. She pointed & said, bun bun! I got it out for her of course!!!That is a down fall of having this type of washer!!!Ha!I did wait until it was clean!


It is Monday, everyone is tired from the weekend, even Ky. She is extremely ill. She is cutting a mouth full of teeth and has every right to be ill! But it is not fun! She slept for a total of 30 min. today. New appliances will be delivered today. It is after 4, they just called & are running late. Cayla, Ky. & myself took a blanket outside and laid around to enjoy the nice windy afternoon. Ky laid back & checked out the leaves and sky, then up & running again. App. delivered, now we need detergent with HE on it! Morven...does not have it....go to Q-town... Rite Aid nor Harvey's has it... Back to house. At 8:30 Cayla and I went to Walmart & got the detergent!!!Now we can wash!

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