Maryland Day Two

Well, we stayed up  late last night visiting and laughing with friends… after we went out to eat….late…of course. When at the lakes you are on lake time! I slept in, two late nights in a row….not! I missed breakfast, WB cooked french toast…I ate if for brunch. Some had hit the lake again and WB wanted to play golf. I had my camera and wanted to take in some mountain air, so I went along for the ride and it was just beautiful!!! Can I just say….lots of pix! Later that afternoon we caught back up with everyone and Dee cooked supper for everyone…..I was on the clean up committee!!! Late visit again, but not as late as the night before, fun times! We also rode the mountain coaster…..lots of fun!!!

Maryland 049

Maryland 156

Maryland 061 

 Maryland 150 

 Maryland 102

Maryland 162

 Maryland 198

 Maryland 214

Maryland 227

 Maryland 248

Maryland 263


Maryland 292

Maryland 346 

Maryland 445 

  Maryland 448

Maryland 423

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