Doctor's Visit: Winston finally decided to go to the Dr. with his shoulder. It has been bothering him for a few months. I think this is his 2nd visit to the Dr. in 26 years! They took an x-ray..nothing broke, the Dr. did not think that it was, but we wanted to rule that out! He told him he could try a cortisone shot & it may help. It also could be a tear in the rotator cuff, that will take a MRI. We are going to give this shot a chance. Then may try come exercises....then move on to the next step if this does not work! Winston told him he wanted to try the shot. When he got out the needle...Winston said, that's a big needle!!! Are you gonna numb it? Yep, I was laughing!!! Then he said, that's a lot of medicine in their!!! He gave him the shot & it must of hurt just a bit...the medicine, not the needle! Take it like a man, baby!!!! The funniest thing was him telling them what he thought was wrong with him! He may be right! I told them to meet Dr. Bridges!

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