Bentley 6 Months


Six months….I can do this!!!


Six months

Little Bentley is just growing up so fast. A smiling sweet baby!

He is about to get this crawling business down! One leg just won’t cooperate!

He is sitting up!

He wants to play with whatever toy Cayden has!!!

He loves to eat, even if he is not hungry. If he see’s you eating, he needs some also!!!

Loves to ride the golf cart and be out side.

He loves to smile!

Later side of six months!

He loves to swim in the red neck pool at Papa’s barn. He will even stick his face in the water if you are not careful!!!

He is now pulling up on his own! Crawling around the house, exploring. Loves to see his reflection or someone else’s!

He love’s his Papa are will either crawl to him or lean toward him, so he will pick him up! He also love’s Cole & Josie. And Bart & Casey! He is just a people person at this stage!

Happy boy!


We were on the back porch today & Cayden starts saying something that sounded like “shut up”! I was thinking, well I am not saying anything…lol!!! He got louder & louder, saying the same thing over and over again.

I am like, he is saying “shut up”!

I sent Cayla a text & asked if she had heard him say it. She said, yes…. he heard his Mimie telling the dogs to “shut up” their barking!!! LOL!!!

Later, I was thinking and we do have neighbors that have a dog, but I was not paying any attention and I do not remember hearing them. But, it had just rained and the frogs were making quite a bit of noise!!! The louder they got, the louder he got!!!


Other things about Cayden & Isaballa at this time.

When he gets tired he will say, couch & bootle (some times I think he is saying ball). And he wants you to sit on the couch beside him!


He is not biting as much, nor is Isabella!!!  LOL!!! They had it going on for a while, they would not have lasted at a daycare for a day!!!

He is not in to sharing!!!

He will take me by my finger to the mat and say…sit or play!!!

He will stand in the corner!!!

Bentley sat up today, he has been trying!!!


Here is the little man, doing his thing!!!


We arrived back at home and he went to work and I began to unpack.

It was a nice vacation, except for the river being to high. We have been blessed for many years with good, so we will take the bad along with the good!

Back to reality! I have many pictures of flowers and the kids that I took, will post them later, maybe!!!

Vaca Day 11

We drove back to Suwannee, got in the boat with Spud & Denise and off we go. We did stop & fish along the way and Denise & I caught some sharks and catfish!!!

And let me just say, that I am still not feeling great! But we had fun!

Got to Cedar Key and ate, it was good! Then Spud wanted to go find some flip flops. So a shopping we did go! Funny thing, WB & Spud were the only ones who bought any thing!

WB  bought all of the grand's a shirt! All I was hoping was that I did not get to feeling to awful bad!!! I heard Spud tell WB, Do you realize that we are the only one’s who bought any thing? They did no buy one thing? What is up with that?” LOL!!!

We headed back & stopped & fished again…same thing, but it was fun!!! But HOT!!! Then another afternoon cloud ran us in. We stayed & had supper with our dear old friends and enjoyed them so very much!!!

Though many years have passed and our lives have changed, the memories we have made together will always be so very fond!!!

And let me just say this…….if you give Denise & Spud an out house, she will make it look like it belongs in Southern Living, such a talented decorator!!!

We arrived home again at around eleven…..AND WE HAVE TO START GETTING PACKED TO  GO HOME…UGH!!! It was around one when I went to bed, but we have got most of it done!

Vaca Day 10

We rode down the river today, more houses had water closer to them! A cloud came up so we had to get back toward the dock!

WB is still reading and I am washing, and oh yes….taking pictures!!!

He will get that book finished today!

Tonight he wants to go down to Suwannee and eat at a restaurant there and look up some folks we know there!

Ok, whatever, fine with me!!!

As we are going to this place, a really bad storm is there, but passes before we arrive. We drive up to this shack, and I said, “is this it?” Yep, it is…hmmm!!!

I could deal with that, but when I walked inside…oh my word! I really did not think we needed to eat here, but we did.

WB went to the men's room and I waited at the table! They had a fish craved out of wood that was really neat…but it had a ton of dirt on it!!! And really, a little dust is fine, but…yuck!

Well, we ordered and I got some wings. They were not that bad, but….they did make me sick! They were not fried either.

As we left we both said, not to good to each other!

We drove and found our friends and visited with them and shared many laughs and fond memories. We decided to take their fishing boat and go over to Cedar Key and eat lunch tomorrow! We got back around eleven, and I was not feeling to well!

Can I just say PEPTO and I am so glad I brought it with me!!! LOL!!! I was up part of the night!!! LOL!!!  

Vaca Day 9

The boat was launched and I made us some sandwiches and crab dip and such so we could eat a little lunch on the boat.

We drove up the river for about two hours. Lot’s of water, some places we did see water really close to their houses.

What took two hours going against the current, took us 30 minutes going back with the current. We parked back at the dock, read, and then got dressed to go and eat again…same restaurant, but we shared a plate tonight!!!

  Got back to the house, watched some television and he read the book I had read!!!

Just some r&r for us!!!

Vaca Day 8

We are at home today…payroll, WB is working on some equipment and I have a hair appointment! It was nice to sleep in our own bed!

We were able to leave around three to head back to river, arrived around 5:30!

Picked up our books and headed to the river!

He is itching to launch the boat in the morning! But, we have seen some really big stuff floating down the past few days! They are getting fewer!!!


We also went & at some great Seafood tonight!!! The Lighthouse in Old Town, we were stuffed!!!

Day 7

Lots of cleaning and washing, even though the cleaner is coming on Wednesday! I wound that up about noon!

WB is reading a book about Sara Palin!I am reading---Riders of the Suwannee River! Us reading books at the Tikki Hut, priceless!!!

I told him we had turned in to two old boring people!!!

We also decided we would go home this afternoon because of payroll and come back tomorrow afternoon!

I also have an appt!


Vaca Day 6

A Little Time spent with Casey & family at the Tikki, Takki, Tukki Hut!

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We had such a fun, happy, day! We brought the pool down to the hut, under the fan and away from mosquito’s!

Isabella put herself in time out on the steps, for no reason!!!

Kylie said that water was freezing cold!!!(bottom right photo)

We even had a little picnic at the hut! They ate and ate!

They left later on that night! And it got really quiet!!! Ryan & Cayla left Sunday night, she had to be at work Monday morning!

So, I began cleaning a bit…mostly washing the linens and towels, and Casey& Bart helped me do a lot of things before they left!

Once we all get our stuff up, it’s not that bad.

We have a few more days here!

Vaca Day 5

Bart & Ryan want to go back and scallop, guess they can take that up with the wives!

The girls & I decided we would take the kids back to Chuck E Cheese. This way, Isabella get’s to go with us this time!

So off we went!

Enjoying pizza and checking it all out!


Isabella really enjoyed it and was constantly looking around to see what she could do next!!!


Cayden enjoyed it all over again!!!


And this time the bicycle worked!!! Kylie also enjoyed the Price is Right game!!! She was getting tickets, she wanted a lunch box!!!


And Bentley was so good for Ma J! He loved all of the lights!


These two are a mess!!! Having a blast!!!


Casey and Cayla had quite a lot of fun also!!!  And at least it was cool!!! When they left the table, it was a while before they came back! LOL!!!

When we got home there were two boys that were burnt up, but had some scallops to clean. We cooked them and they were pretty good!!!

Vaca Day 4

The AC is out, had to call owners & get that taken care of. So we decided we would go scalloping for a little while! Now with 3 kids under 2 years, it is quite a challenge!!!! Load up everything, including the kitchen sink!

The boat is full, Ryan has his boat also. We get loaded up & head out.

Ryan, Cole, Bart and Cayla enjoyed scalloping! Casey worked her self to death on the boat, helping care for kids, feeding who was hungry….until Isabella’s poop came through on her bathing suit! Then, she had to get in the water!!! I took a quick dip to cool off, WB did as well. Isabella did not really like it, but she cooled off, too!

Josie was on a float, tied to the front of the boat, relaxing! Which is great!!!

Isabella decided she would just throw in two of the scallop nets!!! Guess they were in her way!!! LOL!

Kylie jumped in a couple of times. Everyone got in the water at least one time….except Bentley….he was trying to eat my camera!!! LOL!     

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Then we were going to move and try to find more scallops…..but the battery would not crank the boat.

Now previously, Ryan & WB had gone fishing in Ryan's boat & his battery would not crank . But, he brought along a little wheel chair battery and it saved there day! Well, he was given a little grief about that tiny battery……and guess what cranked our motor on this day? Yep, that tiny battery that he had brought! LOLOL!!!! Priceless!!!

Way to go Ryan!!!

Now,  our boat battery is not working!  With this precious cargo aboard, a dead battery did not set to well with the hubby! So once we got cranked up…the boat went back on the trailer until we can get batteries! We all loaded up and went back to the house, except Ryan. He decided he would stay and scallop & get burned!!! Ouch!

The air is fixed, yeah!!! 

Vaca Day 3 2012

Ryan went fishing, the rest of us hung out at the house. When he got back he & WB kept Cayden & Kylie while Cayla, Bent and I went to Walmart!  

I think there were water gun fights while we were gone and some sign building going on as well! Kylie loves to paint!


WB was gearing up to cook dinner! We unloaded the groceries and Bent and I made a salad for dinner!

Cole & Josie arrived late afternoon and then Bart & Casey followed a few hours later! We were doing some painting! And Josie got some loving from Bent!

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Bart, Casey & Isabella arrive later!!! Let the wildness continue!!! LOL!!! 

Some Papa time!!!


During the night, the air in the big part of the house was not cooling! Hmmm!!!

Wb woke at 5ish and Bart & Casey were up! It was rather warm!

We did not know because we were in the sun porch room, with a window unit!

Vaca “Day Two” 2012

Ryan & WB went fishing today.

Cayla & I piddled around until noon and decided we would take the kids to Chucky-Cheese, in Ocala. It was the closest one, we can’t get in the river, so off we go.

Bentley screamed almost the whole hour and a half!!! Cayden slept and Kylie tried to watch a movie.

We finally arrived and oh were these two excited!

Suwannee 2012

Kylie enjoying Chuck E Cheese!

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Cayden and Cayla enjoying Chuck E Cheese! I really think Cayla had more fun than the little one’s!!!

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Bentley loved all the lights and colors too! We sat right by the train and a bike that went up & down and he just watched them for a long time!


A little blurry, he wants to eat the camera!!!

As I sat at the table with Bentley and watched these three have so much fun I was taken back to many years ago! I could see my kid’s sweet Grandma-Martha Helen sitting with the youngest of my kids, while I helped them play. We would go to the Colson condo and she would always treat us to Chuck E Cheese! The kids loved it!!! It was a tradition for many years!!!  I now understand how much she enjoyed watching her Grand’s enjoy themselves!

Now, it is my turn to sit at the table, keep the youngest and enjoy their happy times!

And a big thank-you to Martha for taking us all of those years!

And a big thank-you to my hubby for providing so I can take ours!!!

One more thing before I end this day of memories.

There is a bicycle at CE Cheese. You peddle it and it goes up in the air. Kylie had been eyeing it for a while and finally got up the nerve to ride it, I think that was what she was thinking.  She got on it and went to peddling…..

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It was really pretty funny, poor kid! But I was rather proud that she went & told them it was not working!!! She is such a joy, she cracks us up!!!

Vacation 2012 “Happy 4th”






As usual we decided to go to the Suwannee River for the fourth, and as usual……we have to wait until the last minute to book. We found a place and were lucky enough to get it booked! And then, Hurricane Debbie decided she would dump 32 inches of rain on the Live Oak area that feeds into the Suwannee. And many other places received many inches as well!

Last year the Suwannee was so low that we had to idle in many parts due to rocks, this year, it is flooded! But the house we are staying in is on higher ground.

We drove two vehicle’s this time, of course he left about and hour before I did, he and Kylie! She told me that she loved me very much, but that she really like Papa's music and so she wanted to ride with him!!! Love it.

On the way, they will stop & eat breakfast too! Plus Papa’s knee’s will need to be stretched out & rested!

II called when I got in my car to leave and they were not that far ahead. They called back and told me they were stopping to eat breakfast at subway, I am just getting in to Madison FL, they are going to get me s bite to eat also! Breakfast at Subway…..yuck, and it was yuck to me! LOL!

While having breakfast, Kylie found a little time for shopping! Fire works for one!!! 


We arrived at the river and met the owner! And yes the river is high and is a no wake zone. Too bad she did not bother to tell us that! Hmmm, what to do? Don’t launch the boat!


We have a beautiful view!!!



You can see the hanging basket of flowers in the tree! On the left!


Well,  if we did not have all of the grand's and kiddos’, no problem….but we do and we will make the best of it!

Oh, and the mosquitoes are awful!

As I walked through the house I knew it was not very “kid friendly”! WB moved this immediately up and out of kids harm! I mean really??? And I walked and put pretties up out of reach of being broken!


It is a very nice  clean house, and they come here often. But, if you are going to rent it for families, then make it more family friendly! Or maybe it is just our family!!! Then she wants the cleaning lady to come twice to clean------and check up on what is going on in her house. Some people just may not need to rent. They are to picky! Now, we have rented houses for years for vacation and not one time have I felt like I was being watched and had to be on pins & needles!!! We are talking William Sonoma mixing bowls, spatula's and dishes and such!!!

And oh, I looked out where WB was grilling and what was out there but a light pink Williams Sonoma mixing bowl, and no, they have no idea how much they cost…lol!!! Nor do I, but I can imagine!!! Don’t get me wrong, I like nice things also, but when I go on vaca, I want to relax and have fun!

I always clean the place before I leave, even though I have paid for the cleaning service I want them to know I appreciate their hospitality  and sharing with us! This place has no vacuum that you can use, it is locked up. And no way to mop in between when the maid comes. So, we are crawling around on our hands and knees picking up baked potato off the dining carpet where the grand’s and all of us ate! Really! I got WB to pick me up a little sponge mop so I could get the sticky off the tile in the kitchen, that is when you know you must mop!!! All because you want to check up on your house, maybe you just do not need to rent!

Sorry, I got a little a head of myself!

Ryan, Cayla & boys arrived shortly after we arrived. We all got unpacked, meet the neighbors & their niece and nephew.

Let the fun begin!!!

Winston & Ryan went to the grocery store, while we kept the kids, of course! But that is just fine with me!!! We played outside, we played inside!

The neighbors brought a little blow up pool out for the kids to play with and a slippy slide next door! I had bought a Little Tike beach ball sprinkler!

WB cooked a delicious meal on the grill and we added salad and a few other things to have a fine dinner!

Later the neighbor lady came and brought some fire works to share, guess who had to clean up that mess, yep…!!! I think she just wanted to check out the condition of the house too!

Any way, it was worth it for the grand’s!!! They had a good time!

Kylie did do a little art!!!


Cayden loving some Orange Crush he got from Papa!


Water fun!



Winston cooked an awesome meal, as usual!!!

End of day one! We are ready for bed!

We decided to sleep down stairs because of Winston’s knee. Now, there are two day beds in this sun porch room and a window unit! And Kylie wants to sleep with me, on a twin bed, oh boy!!! After she fell asleep WB & I changed places because he knew I could not sleep with her on that little bed…..and he ended up on the couch in the den……lol! 

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