A Third Grand

On December 20th at 8:53 PM, we were blessed with our first grandson. “Cayden Ryan Hughes” weighing  in at 6 lbs & 5 oz. His height was 20 inches and his head was 13 inches.  He had lots of hair and looks just like his Dad….yep, Mom’s carry them the whole time and they look like their daddy’s…LOL!

Cayla was in labor for 13 hours with this little one, his heart rate dropped several times and had us worried. He liked his home and did not want to leave, and did not until about 8 cm. Just a little stubborn!!! We were all preparing for a c-section, I had three and knew she could handle it, but not the way to go if not necessary!!! All of a sudden, he decided it was time and within a short period of time, he made is arrival! I think we had to wake Daddy up from a little nap for the big event. He laid his head on the side of the bed as Cayla squeezed his hand and I am glad he got a little nap. It was funny…hey, wake up it is time to push!!!  I am very proud of her and Ryan!  And I am so proud we have a healthy grandson!!! God has blessed us once again!

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I love this picture with Dr. Mosley and Cayden!


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Kylie and the Christmas Lights

Kylie, Winston and I are in the truck riding through the big city of Morven  GA. Kylie begins to tell Papa to wook at those wights (the few lights that we have on the power poles. ) Wook at that one Papa, do you see it? And look ober dhere at daht one! The she said, “ I just can’t take….I just want to go to Momma J’s house, get up on top of it and just hang wights every where!!! LOL, it was so stinking cute!!!     So I decided that I would at least have to decorate the front door withe some lights and I did…just for her!!!

Cayden’s Nursery In Progress!

I have been helping Ryan and Cayla get Cayden’s room ready. Painting, moving furniture etc!

We painted and caulked and painted and caulked and it was so very hot!!!  We were so happy when the air got hooked up!!!

Cayla 2010 2010-09-04

No matter how much we caulked and painted the lines in the wall just did not look good! But Grandpa Randy had a good solution and boy were we glad and it made the walls look nice! Woo-hoo for Randy!

Looking Good!

Caydens showers and nursery

They got the bedding picked out, got it ordered and it is so cute!!! She wanted his name on the wall, but so many of the letters are girlie looking and they did not want that! So I found these chip board letters, she liked them and we cut scrape book paper out to match the bedding---     turned out cute and not girlie! Putting them on the wall was another task….lol…we had to call Grandma Susie over to help us hold them and get them straight! Thank-you Susie!!!

Mom and I found the raccoon and she had his name monogrammed on it, a little something from Great-Nana!

Finishing Touches!

Cayla 2010

We found a used book case, mirror’s from  Target. Boxes and sign from Hobby Lobby. And a glider for rocking from Great-Grandma and Great Grandpa!

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A few more special things from special folks!

A little old, a little new, things that are special from many folks that already love you!!!

Shower hosted by Marie, Whitney and Brittany


  Cute Invite!!!


Caydens showers and nursery1

One of my best friends and her family hosted a shower for Cayla and Cayden this Sunday! It was so nice and turned out fantastic! Love this family!!!

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Marie has great taste and is awesome with the details!!! Just beautiful!!!

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Such a blessed little one!

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Family and Friends!

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More family, friends and fun!

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Fun times! Thanks to the hostess for such an awesome shower, it was the best!

Words are just not enough!

Also, to all who attended and blessed us so much with your love and blessings!

Lots of Love

I told Kylie that we were giving lots of love instead of lots of presents this year! She looked at me and said…no Momma J, wots of presents!!!

Central Shower-Cayden III

Cayla church baby shower2

And then there is family support and love! Aunt Barbara and Cleta----I love you!!! We are blessed!

Central Baby Shower-Cayden II

Cayla church baby shower1

More family and friends pouring love over our family, blessed beyond measure!


Central Baby Shower-Cayden

Cayla church baby shower

As I look at the ladies in these pictures I am over whelmed with emotions. They are so loving,  kind and giving. I love them bunches! I also love how they are rockin this picture!!! You all are simply the best family!


Today Isabella went to church for the first time, she looked so pretty. Then, we all went to eat at Texas Road House…she never made a peep. We got to load her in the car while Casey takes Kylie top the restroom. Somehow…someone hit the lock button as they backed out of the “front” as she was getting loaded in the back….the car was running and the air on. Now, oh boy….let me just say….it’s a good thing Papa was not there because a window would be missing in that car.   Bart, CJ and I were like who do we need to call. I asked, do the police come for situations like this? They used to have the tools for such! No, don’t think so. CJ called Ace lock and key and I decided to call my (brother) Rocky. I can not tell you how many times he has unlocked my car for me!!!! (Ace lock and key said it would take 20 minutes)….in the mean time Casey comes out. Do what??? Yep, its true…but she is asleep and not crying and it is cranked and the air is on…all though it does not work real well. I told her that Uncle Rocky was on the way!!! When I told Rocky….he said…I will be their in 10 minutes!!!  

We checked under the car, because WB (since living with me) has learned to keep a spare close by! We found that magnet, but no key in it! Oh well, I loaded Kylie up in my car and put a movie in for her….she was good! It took about 10 minutes for Rocky to get it open, but he did….once again!!!

He is simply the best and I love him dearly. He will do anything for anyone, a heart of gold! Yep, I think it is time to cook him a steak…or take him and Robbie out to eat!!!  

And oh, btw (by the way) their car ran hot on the way home!!!

Grandma…btw stands for …..by the way! LOL----means laugh out loud!!! LOL!!!!!!

Basically, an all nighter!

Casey and her family spent the night last night so I could help her with Izzie. Casey was so tired, I told her I would take her for the night if they wanted to stay at our house. Well, the poor thing is just not comfortable. She will relax for 15 to 30 minutes at a time before she starts squirming and then she will burp or toot! She scared me twice last night..she got choked on her milk and sounded like she could not get any air….this is when she is trying to get up the junk from the reflux. All the patting and rubbing on her back does not really help. I even tried to suction her, but there was nothing their. Now, how are you supposed to rest and let her sleep by herself with all this going on??? Not!!! I gave her a bath, she sat in her swing for about 30 minutes. I put her in the pack and play, she stayed there about 30 minutes. I put her in her car seat in our bed…that was not happening, but it was time to feed her again! We rocked for a while. Then, we got on the couch and I propped her on a big pillow and we slept there for a while. At 7:00 I got her Mom up and I went to bed and slept until about 11:45. Kylie came in more than once to try and wake me, Cole and WB were in and out….I got up and slammed the bedroom door at one time…LOL….I did….I could not help it…..sleep deprivation, that is what I will blame it on! And that’s my story and it is the truth!!!

Casey was very thankful and that makes it all worth it. She said that Izzie woke up only once last night….lets hope the zantac is working!!! And the gas drops!!!

2 week check-up

Our little Isabella went for her 2 week check-up today. She weighed in at 8-6. Still 21 inches  long and now her head is 14 in. She has really had us worried at times. When she eats, it is like she gets choked and makes this raspy sound. When she spits up it even has a thickness to it. They took her to YPAC one night and they did not hear her sucking her bottle, listened to her and said she sounded good. Now, look people….we have had many other babies at our house and ain’t none of em sounded quiet like this!!! I just knew something was not quite right. They did change her milk earlier because of her tummy and she seems worse. SO TODAY….DR. Shuck walked in the room when Mom was feeding her and he did not like what he heard. WEll, duh all you other doctors…..she has acid reflux! Poor thing! We were all very close to calling our old Dr. MeGow back to let her have a look, I love her so much! So changing formula again and giving her zantac……I hope this works!  Say a little prayer for this to handle her problems, and oh we hope this is why she is acts like she is not comfy and the rest is not colic!!!

My First “Pay” for Photography

Yes, believe me when I say it was a small shoot. This young lady really did not want maternity pictures taken, but her Mom wanted her to have some. So we kind of did a family shoot. I told her that 25 years from now she would look back and be glad that she had a few for her child to see. They were so sweet and kind and it really helped me learn things that I can improve on.  Thanks Sayward for being brave enough to call and allow me to assist you! They turned out so sweet, you are a kind and pretty young lady. Hope you have a safe delivery! I am going to post one of the pictures I took. Ok…Ok, I had to do three!






Busy Thursday!!!

This has been a very busy week at the Stephenson’s residence. First of all, a newborn and a toddler in preschool….need I say anything else? Sleepless nights, school by 7:50!!! Oh boy, make the bed, wash the bottles-sterilize the bottles, fill the bottles, feed the baby, change the diapers, wash some clothes, sweep the floor…..rock the baby, get the 4 year old from school, visitors coming…call Cayla---call Great-Grandma Bridges…cook some supper, wash the dishes, wash the toddler, wash the baby, wash some clothes..LOL

Great-Grandma Blanton came to visit Isabella today 


Then the Great Aunts came and brought supper and showered the new baby!



They did not forget little Kylie and she was so excited.


They brought Isabella this caterpillar with gift cards attached to every leg, one from each person in the family, how sweet! And the supper was nice too!


Sara came by to visit.



Career Day

Yesterday Great Grandma picked Ky up once again. Casey was hurting in her back and I did not want to leave her there with the baby alone. Kylie comes in and takes a strip of paper off her book bag.

Mom, caweer day tomorrow, she said. I want to be a teacher.

Mom asked, well what kind of teacher? A recess teacher? First she wanted to, then she said no…one that learns kids! 

I finally got her to go in and pick out something to wear. A dress and jewelry were great ideas and we have that! This is what she picked, but it had to be something no one else had seen before!


Check out the eyes and bunny got a ballerina dress!

You got mail!

Today, Kylie and Isabella got mail from a very special, Christine. Kylie was so excited!!! Thank-you Christine!007  



Heading Home Today

I took Kylie to school this morning and filled the car with gas. Called Casey and she needed a few things from Walmart and I needed to get some groceries to cook supper with. Then I went to the hospital to take a few pix of them leaving to come home! It took forever for them to dismiss them! Then I wanted to get her some flowers so I went to Winn Dixie!

A few pix as the day progressed!  


The dress for Isabella!


A blanket hand made by her Great-Grandma Blanton!


And these booties, Scarlet Cooper gave these to her and they matched the dress perfectly….and I just love them!





Dressing the little rag doll!


And a hair bow!


Snack break!


Just before I spit on my dress!!!


Well, we are ready…what is the hold-up???

Then….they bring in her lunch and Bart and me are very hungry! 073 

Bart smelling the food….and Casey is telling him not to eat it…but she let him have the mac and cheese!!!


He told Casey he would get her tea ready for her…we are just dying laughing…because Casey is hungry also!


Bart getting her silverware ready for her…yeah right!!! She ordered him cheese cake because she thought he liked it….not really, great then I will eat that, I said!!! Tooo funny!


They finally came to take the alarm off of Kylie’s leg…who would have ever thought you would need an alarm on a baby!!! Thanks to all the crazy peep in this world and our judicial system for not punishing crazy peep enough! Oops refocus!


Daddy standing by to lend a hand!


Buckling her in!


She is ready!


Home after a long day!


And this was one happy girl when she came home and found everyone back at home where they should be!


Congrats Mom, you did a fine job!


And a big thank-you to Great-Grandma for all of the help this week. Several times, we have called on her to pick Ky up from school and she has, gratefully! Oh, and the supper was great too!!! Thank-you!  

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