Ladies Day

Today I was blessed as I attended the Ladies Day at Forrest Park. I was blessed in many ways. It was great to meet Melissa Lester & hear her words of encouragement, what talents she is blessed with. To speak so beautifully in front of so many ladies. Her blog is also inspirational. I just wish I could put words & stories together as she and many others can do!!! I just ain't got it....and I am well aware of it!!! I also got to enjoy a wonderful tea party with my nieces! The food was delicious & the hot tea was not so bad either! Macie is just in to being crafty, Ally and Katie are also, but Macie really gets into it. You can see her wheels turning & she will write down those ideas!!! I also got to be with my Mom & sister which was fun too! Thanks for inviting me!

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