Get the barge ready cause the cubanelles are ready!

Yep, as I am typing this....they are still packing! I prepared supper for all 26 of them. Yes, we had a repeat of the wedding menu!!! Thawed out the smoked ham and cooked it, cooked the green beans & potato's in the crock pots, made the potato topping and bought the yeast rolls!!! I feel like I have cooked all day & I guess I have. Winston will not have any buns left...not that he does anyway...cause he has worked them off today! He has done a little of it all today! We knew it was going to be a big one because of the cub.'s coming in, so I told him we could just cook in the crock pots & such. Glad we did. About 2:00 Kylie & I went to the barn to put on the second pot of beans...then I saw that he would not be able to cook the potato's. So...I cooked the beans in the microwave...then moved them to the warmers. Cut those potato's & cooked them in the crock pot.....WB was so glad because he just did not have time.....hope he did not like this to much though!!! I can cook....just not my favorite thing to do! One of the Hispanics (customers) Kylie calls them...told me I was a great cook...I said, thank-you & just laughed. He said he did not think he was going to be able to work he was so full!


  1. tell greg and scott and pete to sell em and sell em for a good price....!!! or im comin after them

  2. I'm with you, I can do it-just not my favorite thing!!


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