Happy 25th Cole

Yes, 25 years ago today I was blessed with my first born. A son, weighing 7 lbs 14 & 1/2 oz. and 21 & 1/4 in. long. Winston Cole Bridges. We almost lost him a few times during delivery....we were just to young & dumb to realize what was actually happening. He got in distress and his heart rate went down to a mere 14 beats a minutes, a few times! After this happened the third time, Dr. Smith said--prep for surgery---we are not going to loose this baby. My head was so fuzzy I could not think straight. I said.....I don't care how you get it out, just get it out! We did just that...c-section....oh my, what a shock, I felt like someone had jumped up & down on my stomach....the Dr. did get to my side & tried to push him into the canal.....but he would pop right back out....his head was to big & cocked backwards. We did get him delivered with quite a cone head!! But it rounded out just like the doc said it would!!! He has always loved the outdoors, the farm, hunting and fishing. He is kind & gentle to older folks, he shows lots of patience with them. Hope you had a great day, I love you very much! I think he is quite a handsome young man...but any ole black bird that don't think his feathers are the blackest ain't much of a blackbird!

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