10 years ago
My memories written...in a not so proper way...so I can remember what in the world happened during my crazy, fun, blessed life!
Williams Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving at the Williams was another laid back, enjoyable event! Great food, great family and friends! Some tales of our childhood with lots of laughs!!! I really enjoy my nieces & nephews. They are all special to me. Each one being unique in their own way! Paul & Lynn, & family made the long trip back to Georgia. Kevin & Buffy, & girls made the trip from Valdosta. Winston and I, & family made the short drive from Morven!!
David & Missy, & family will come Christmas. We missed them, but look forward to December!
Two of our Bridges niece's came with us to the Williams. Now, they are pretty girls and I must apologize to my nephews for not giving them the heads up, so they could take showers and get more handsome! No kidding, we are laid back!!! Lynn & I did get a kick
out of the quick showers and hair combing that wet on rather quickly!!! Next time I will give the heads up guys!!! Sorry!
Now the younger ones had lots of fun playing outside! I had to take a picture of a dead frog for Macie! She loves nature!
The barn has so many childhood memories for all our family! We had horses, chickens, a deer, a goat, & I am sure I am leaving something out! Decided to take a picture, I'm sure it will be gone one day!
Also you will see a oak tree on the slide show. A tire swing has been on the big tree since we were kids. All kids love an old tire swing! Just ask my nieces & nephews!!!
Bridges Thanksgiving 2007
Once again we gathered for a delicious Thanksgiving feast at Emmett, Martha's & Jen's. Todd & Kelly's family, Winston and Jill's family, & Great G-Ma were able to come together & enjoy another one of Martha's wonderful meals! The food was great & we so enjoyed the time we got to spend with Todd, Kelly & their beautiful girls! We know it takes a big effort to travel such a great distance, but we appreciate it & enjoyed
them! Christina & Mary Kate came over & spent the night with us. We had many laughs and got to talk & learn about their lives and interest during this time! Jerry & Sarah came down that night, he had a class reunion, and I know Martha was so excited to visit with them as well! A Great Holiday for family!
GCS VS CCA 11/16/2007
We went to town today. You needed some diapers that are all white. We think the dye in the others may be breaking you out. You have also had some food allergies the past week.
I also needed to get some groceries and a new kitchen sink.
As we were riding in the car today, I handed you a fry, you said, tanks. I said, your welcome....then you said...I welcome! It was too cute!!! You also told the lady at Sam's tanks, every time she put our items in the buggy!
Then we went to see G-ma Bridges.
Martha & I took Grandma Wisenbaker her digital photo frame. She really liked it. I had put some old pictures on it as well, some of Grandpa Gus, she just started crying when she saw him! She is just in a bad way and not herself by night time. She did make me laugh several times, I just could not help it! She has never been foolish in any way! So you know it is not her, but she is funny! I was blessed by seeing her but feel so bad for her. I use to want to live to be 100! Well, I know better than that now. If you can't have a quality life it is better to be able to go to a better place!
We just need to pray for her & her girls. Pray for mercy, patience & understanding!
Today was a beautiful day so we went out side for a while. We let Sidney go out with us! Pa Pa saw us so he stopped to play, too! We have a rope on the play set and you started pulling on it. Well, Sidney decided to get the bottom of the rope & pull too!
You told her, it's mine! Of course Sid could care less, she just kept pulling. You came & told Pa Pa, get it! You wanted him to get the rope from Sid. He told you to pull on & get it back, not to let the dog win! You would go back, pick it up again, Sid had the bottom, & you would pull her around a little! It was so cute & funny!! Pa Pa went back to work and we played some more. You also learned to climb up the ladder today!
This afternoon we went to take pictures of you & your Mom. For some reason you just give us a fit when it comes to taking picture with her!!! The more she tries to get you to do, the more you act up!!! Any way, we did get some great pictures!!! See slide show!
11/12/2007Last 1st High School Game
Well, I just had to tell about today. Our Cayla signed up to donate blood after church today! I was a little shocked & proud!!! I have never given my blood freely! Her Dad has, many times! Any way, we drove 4 vehicle's to church today, including Casey! Cayla had ball practice, I needed to go to the grocery, Winston golfing & Casey had her own errands! After church Cayla headed to the vampire room, her Dad helped her get situated. Then he asked if I wanted to go & eat. Casey was staying with Cayla. The more I thought about myself & how I react to the vampire's, I decided I needed to stay with Cayla also! I went to wait with her. They finally get her signed up, you even have to take your own line & bag from the question station to your chair!!! Yuck! They got her hooked up & going, she did fine. We were over talking about those of us who faint & all, Casey & I start feeling sick just talking about it!!Whimps!! Casey said we needed to stop talking because she felt sick just sitting in there, so did I. I told her we should get some tea, they feed the families that give, we were family!!!Hee! Then we look over & she is leaned back in the chair, Earl is talking to her, we go over to check on her, yep....she is her Mother's child!!! She was fine until they removed the needle! Then she got weak! She got up , we told her to eat, she got chips, tea. She sat down, ate a chip felt sick. We go to the ladies room, had a couch, lay down & put feet up! We got some fluids in her & after about 30 min. she felt some better! Now, we did not know she needed to drink lots of fluids before giving! Lesson learned! She said, "I want my blood back!" She also got a sticker that said first time blood doner....Casey said, "& the last!" Yep, won't do that again! She did not feel like driving, so we took Casey's car to the mall, back to church, pick up my car! They went to mall to get pants & then to ball practice, but she did not practice! So if you want to give blood, have a driver, drink lots of fluids, eat before, plan to rest afterwards!
Cayla, we are very proud of you for wanting to help others!! I would like to try, but maybe when no one else is around!!!
Today my plans were to stay home & do what I would like to do! Well, my hubby needed some new clothes since he has lost a few pounds!!! I decided I needed to go & help him pick out a few things!!!! We met at Belk & got him some new pants & a few shirts!! It doesn't take him long! We did have a little trouble finding pants to fit. But, we did it!!! I had a few more errands to run & was home by 12:30. Then I was able to scrape book a few pages!!!
11/01/2007 Meet the Generals Night
When your Mom came home today, you asked where's kitty? Now bear in mind, you had a paci in your mouth. We could not understand you, your not talking very plain as of yet! I took your paci out, & you said, where's kitty? You pointed to your Mom, then to yourself, you said, "me" and rubbed your stomach. Then patted your Mom's head. It hit me...you were wanting to know where her cat ears were. She was a cat at the party!!!! Too funny!!
10/28/2007 Hampton Party
10/27/2007 Central Trunk or Treat
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