Kylie’s 5th Birthday Party

We have not had a big birthday party for Kylie until this year. We have had just family parties, so this year her Mom and Daddy Bart had her a big ole b-day. It was a surprise!

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As you can tell by the pictures, she was really surprised. What I love the most is when she turned to her Mom, gave her a big hug and thanked her! 

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Bounce house and slides were all the entertainment they needed!

Kylie 5th Bday

The cake turned out way bigger than the lady intended, but Kylie did not mind!!!

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Lots of special people came to help celebrate the occasion!

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What a wonderful birthday for this precious one! She waited 5 years for a big party and her Mom and Daddy Bart did a great job. Thanks to all who came and made her day special!

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