Suwannee River 2011

We rented a house on the Suwannee again this year and spent the weekend of July the 4th. We left on Friday and came back on the 5th. Bart, Casey and family joined us late Friday night! Casey and I got up Saturday morning and came to Valdosta and picked up Cayden, it was his parents anniversary so they went out of town for the weekend. He will spend the night with us Saturday night. All of the kids came and visited some time during our stay! It was fun! But the water was very low due to the drought….we had to be really careful!!! The Sante Fe was low also, but not as dangerous as the Suwannee! We were able to travel, but had to go slow in some areas! 

Suwannee 2011

The house we stayed in belongs to people that are new to renting. We did several things that needed to be done around the place…changing light bulbs, etc!!! WB had to fix the shower door, it fell in on him one night…lol!!! I warned him!!!

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Kylie trying to swim. Isabella loved her float, but Cayden was not to fond of his. Then the two little ones fought over Papa’s phone holder!!! Isabella won this round, she just got it and softly reached over and bonked him on the head with it….didn’t bother him a bit!!! LOL!

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Playing, swimming, floating, laughing, enjoying the sun…resting!!!

Kylie was not to sure about going off the swing, so Papa showed her how to do it. Now, now he was smart and grabbed the rope up high….some of us did not do that…just saying! Oh the things we do for those grands!

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Everyone except Cole and Josie left by the 4th, so it was just the four of us. Winston and I love to ride the river! We all rode to the Sante Fe and on the way out  of the river saw 2 manatee’s!

Winston and Cole are the Captains of our vesssel….but so is MamaJ!!! When Cole is not aboard!

Cole just loved the yellow boat in the collage boat. He kept telling us one day he was going to have a boat like that…lol! I told him that if he got a boat like that he would have to lift some weights and get a body like the guy on the boat too……LOL!!! Just saying!!! He laughed! 

Now I had really wanted to go off that swing, but thought it best to wait…so I  did. Just the four of us were there. Cole told me I did not need to do that, I would get hurt…..well, you only live once ! The problem was, I am not strong enough to hold up all this extra baggage that I am hauling around…lol!!! So I kind of had to Fred Flintstone it, if you know what I mean. I nearly drown laughing! And Josie had to try it too, but she just looked so graceful, then she told me she took dance and I will tell ya she probably does not weigh a hundred pounds soak and wet!!!

It was fun and I did jam my toe, Cole was right…but I did it several times and will do it again, maybe!!!

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The last day on the water. WB asked what I wanted to do? My answer…..lets go find the Manatee’s!!! And we did….and we were to excited people. In all of the years we have been taking our kids, not one time had we seen those creatures!!! WB is saying, do you see them Jill? Are you getting that picture!!! I had the camera snapping and WB was maneuvering the boat as not to hit one and I am running around the boat snapping pictures. We saw around 17 of them!!! They were on the Sante Fe and with the water so clear and low, they we amazing! I just wanted to swim with them!

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We decided to get everything cleaned up and load the boat since WB would need to get back home early in the morning! We loaded the boat, got things cleaned up and decided we could be home by 10:00 and sleep in our own bed. Plus, then I would not have to get up real, real early!!! It is the funniest thing, when we are on vacation and it is like the last day…you can see the wheels turning in WB’s head. He is already working….so it is best just to get on home!!! It was a fun, peaceful vacation!

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