Photography Class

Well, I talked Cayla in to going to a photography class with me. It was very last minute, that is the way we roll! This is going to be a fun class!  The first class was June 16th and the second the 23rd. We do have homework.

Our first assignment was pretty simple. But, it was so stinking hot outside!!! I kept opening the door and seeing what was close I could catch a picture of!!! The pictures that we all turned in were pretty good.  He did ask us to try and act like we did not know anything even if we did. He likes for us to see our progression as the class goes along.

One lady said that all she has is a Barbie camera and her daughter( who is taking the class with her, and talked her into going with her) won’t share hers! LOL  They are so funny!!!

Cayla emailed her pictures to him as she was leaving to go to the second class….and he ragged her about that, we all laughed and she did too!!!

We were supposed to take the pictures during this week if at all possible. I did turn in a couple taken within the last two months and I did confess to it!!! Another lady turned in a couple that her daughter took…lol! And another said she needed to confess on a couple of hers too!!! Even the instructor used a couple of pictures that a previous class had taken!!! We all cracked up! He said that at the next class he was going to put a podium up so we could all just take a moment for confession!

I did good in that I did not adjust my photo’s. Just cropped them as he recommended! He asked that we turn in eight pictures. We all did, next time we only have to do five! Here are the eight I turned in!



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Fun times and a thank-you to Cayla for going and THANK-YOU to everyone who helps keep “Little Man” so she can go. I really liked her pictures that she turned in, they were cute. She has a knack for this!

4-wheeler riding

I always ride on the back of the 4-wheeler with Kylie, to make sure she stays safe…lol! She is so funny. She will ride a minute..stop…look around…decide where she wants to go…then she will talk about this, that and such! She will talk about how Papa needs to get this done and that. Like, move that pile of dirt from over there to here.  Or smooth the road out, or trim that tree limb. One day,  I guess she was frustrated with him and she said, “I am going to be the boss from now on.”  Guess that sums that up!


I had the pleasure of keeping Isabella today. Her Mom needed to study.

We went to the barn and visited with Papa for a little while. Then came back home, it is so hot!!!

We played and rocked and ate and changed a few diapers. I put her in the tub and gave her a bath.  I asked her what the dog said. She just looked at me, then I started to bark like a dog and she laughed! No response to  the the cow sound or the cat, but she laughed at the dog bark and tried to bark herself! Too cute!

Then it was time to go to sleep and take a nap, so we rocked and sang “Night Night Baby Go to Sleep”. A song made up by WB. We sang it to all of our kids and now they sing it to theirs and Cole sings it to Molly, his dog…..and she thinks she is part human!!!

Labor Issues

As Isabella and I were visiting with Papa at his barn, yesterday. He received a phone call from Ken Parsons. He was listening to a talk show with Chris Beckham and WB’s name kept coming up as the Labor Department was quoting him from where they had called a few weeks ago. Ken told him he should call Chris, he gave him the number and he called him! I told him to try and be nice!!! LOL! 

He was nice and firm!!! Deland and Bonnie called and asked if he would come and guest preach at their church, because he seemed to be doing a good job of preaching on the radio!!! LOL!!!

Believe me, this is not want he wants to do. But, when someone is interfering with your livelihood you means to make a living….you have to stand up.

Governor Deal said that the paroles should be the ones to pick our crops. Well, that is fine and dandy….if you do not live on your farm. I can throw a softball easy to the field beside my house.

Do you want them that close to your family? Your daughters, your grandbabies??? Does he want them at the Governor’s Mansion??? I am going to ask him, I will assure you…if I get the chance!

Funny Grands

Casey and Cayla and their families came over. WB cooked, he is so good about that…I do the cleaning! After we ate, the girls put the two youngest on the quilt to play.

Miss Isabella was all about taking all of the toys, and they were all Cayden’s. It was so funny, she had this look like she was on a serious mission. But, she also needed time to chew on them. Boy was she busy. If she saw him look at one,  she would crawl over and start hitting at the toy, with her hand, until she got it close to her.

Funny thing is….he did not care one little bit! He would pick one up, chew it and just look at her and smile. He just wanted to look at her and talk and smile! 

Winston was so proud to see the babies and his girls. He has been working so hard and not been able to take time to visit!

Bart and Casey left and went home early. WB went to bed. I stayed up with the night owls! LOL! We  watched some tv and I got some Cayden sugars. Cayla went to sleep -as usual, Ryan has to stay on his night schedule so we stayed up and watched Ice Truckers…until I just had to go to bed!!!

Thanks for taking time to spend a little time with us, we enjoyed it.

WB, the wings were very good!!!

Muslims, India, Hispanic’s

Why is it that we Americans do not have a problem with Muslims living here, they want to kill us and blow us up. But we fuss about the hard working class! 

The people from India have been loaned American money for hotels and convenience stores….they have several years to pay it back. When they can’t, they sell it to another family member.  And we sit and say nothing!

But then, we have a group that are willing to do hard labor, work for us….and pay taxes that they can not get back…and we gripe about it????

I just do not get it???

Now, I do know that not all would fit into the mold above…..but they are here and it does go on.

We act like it does not…wake up America, buy from America not other countries. It is time to support ourselves!!!

Farms 2011---This my offend some, read at your own risk!

Farming has changed so much over the years. The farm as we all knew it is gone. Not many farms have animals on them anymore. Many of them have irrigation on them so the crops can be  watered. Much of the small farm land has been sold to bigger farms, or made in to subdivisions.

You do not see colored folks or there children or white folks  children helping on the farm. If their is something to be gathered it is done so by machine or immigrant Hispanics. Young folks these day to not know what hard work is, they think playing sports, like basketball is hard work. Well, let me just say this…..I used to love the days I got to get out of the tobacco patch and go to practice and run, walk or play basketball!!!! I was thrilled!!!! Parents these days do not want their children worked that hard. Hence….we have a lazy generation of people.

It used to be that only a certain group of people received a assistance check. Not any more. Now, do not get me wrong. I do not begrudge anyone that needs it. But getting it just because you do not want to work  hard….maybe you need two  jobs to make ends meet, then do it!!! While you are young and able.

People are fussing because the Hispanics are working and some may be receiving some care for health, I am not sure. What I am sure of is this……we have paid people to sit on their porch and stay home and have children for years, while we paid their health care for many babies. Where was your voice then???? And I mean these people did not work.

We had a few come out and try it the other day, to pick some squash….with tennis shoes, big baggy shorts hanging half off their bottoms…..they did not last 2 hours, said the sun was to hot! Don't worry, the white folks can’t do it either!!!   But oh, now we want the working class people sent back home??? Well, you better plant you a garden because you are going to need it! Or better yet, eat what is imported!!!

Eat from Mexico, they have no regulations on their food. WE strive for safe food, it is demanded of us, to the tune of around 10,000.00, that we had to spend a couple of years ago!!! And oh, you want it for free???? I have never gotten a free doctor appointment or anything else!

We have around $6000.00 an acre before we ever pick one piece of vegetable!  Then lets add the labor to it, and people would have you just give it away! If you are starving and hungry and a widow….we will give with a generous heart. Without a doubt!  If  you are able to work, get a JOB!

There is a shortage of workers in Georgia right now. We have lost half of our produce because they are scared to come here, no field help . The bill was passed and will go in affect soon. This month, if you are transporting them to and from work, as their employee, you can be arrested too. WEll, that just may happen……We  have some dental work we need done and WB needs his knee replaced, so maybe we can get that done while we are in there!!!   Free healthcare! Nothing in life is free, it is being paid by someone!!! We do not have any insurance anyway because it costs so much and we are self employed!

So,  go ahead Georgia stick it to the American farmer once again, as you did with NAFTA. I hope our Governor and all the senators tables get bare from the lack of food, or that it is so expensive they can not afford it. But, on the other hand…I am sure they could just go on down to the food bank and get it for free!!! That is what everyone wants, something for nothing. They want us to just give our food away for free. WEll then, will the state of  GA forgive me all of my debts??? Will the IRS forgive me my taxes??? Will the companies I owe just cut up my debt for free??? If so, I will give it away. But, I want a clear deed to my house, cars, land, boat, internet everything!!!

We have people wanting us to give them our culls…to eat, give away or to feed to their cows. Funny thing, we have given plenty. We give to widows, etc. We give to some mans cows, but he trades out some road work with us. One man wants culls for his cows….do you think he would give us a cow for payment???      No, that is how America is today…..take, take, take.       

America has gotten lazy, we are to blessed.

There may be no produce grown on our farm this fall. It is how we pay our bills. We have been handed not one thing, no inheritance…not a thing and we are not counting on that…we work as did our Daddy’s and Mother’s. But, we may start a new beginning at the age of 50. Scary, but we have faith and we know that God is with us, so we will stand strong and tough!

It is very critical here, several of the largest growers in the southeast are talking about not planting this fall. The thing is, they do not have to do it anyway. They have got plenty of money. It will effect truck drivers, pickers, packers, brokers, secretaries, grocery stores and the list could go on and on!

Buy American when at all possible. Do not begrudge the working people, begrudge the non-workers who our government  has allowed to sit on their bums for years and collect checks.

OK---I feel better!!! LOL

Workers Ear-2011

I am going to tell this story because this is just the type of things my “Farmer” has to deal with.

It is a little gross, so if you have a weak stomach….beware.

Last year two of our workers were at home on a weekend. It was actually a Father and son. Big J and Little J. Well, they had been talking of old time’s at home, I guess! And throwing back some cold one’s------some meaning-----way to many!!!!

As the story was relayed to my husband a couple of day’s after the event.

They were talking about a lady and I suppose they both took a liking to her at some time, when they had been back home. I am not clear if either of them knew it before this time, but with the cold one’s and the talk----a fight broke out between the two. It was an ugly fight, so ugly that one bit part of the other one’s ear off.

Yep, it’s the truth….as yuck as it is!

They did not come and tell “Farmer”. They went to another lady, who speaks their language and wanted her to take him to the hospital. She advised against it.

One reason being---a police report would probably be filed and two—immigration. But, really??? So they did not go. Instead two days later, after the one without the ear did not come to work and “Farmer” asked about him…then one of the other workers said you need to check on him.

Farmer goes to check on him. What did he hand him? Yep, the part of his ear that was missing. Farmer told him that he could not help him, that the ear tissue was dead and that it could not be reattached. Oh boy, not good. Farmer felt sad for Big J, but they are grown men…or are supposed to be.

The funny thing is…watching “Farmer” tell me about it. The one that told him had to do some hand illustrations for “Farmer” to understand what had happened. Language barrier.

Now, Big J has had 4 surgeries on his ear. I wonder if the fight over the women, who is not even any where around here was worth it for these two?

I know this should not be that funny……but we have laughed over the situation a few times!

Charles Quay Dickey

On April 7th,  Uncle Charles was working in his yard when he passed out and fell.  He is my Dad’s, sisters husband. Thus began a long stay in the hospital. When one thing was taken care of another went wrong, then finally he got an infection. This hospital had only seen it once before. He could not beat the infection, and he lost his battle on May 28th.

We have such sweet memories of his family. For awhile they lived right beside us in a trailer, while Uncle Charles was overseas. Oh the fun and fusses we had, but mostly fun times!!! We rode the bus together, rode ponies together, had tea parties together, shared piano recitals together and graduated kindergarten together. It was a sad day when they had to move!

Uncle Charles would come home now and again and that was a sweet occasion for all of us! He would spend lots of time with the kids. Leading us around on the pony, spitting watermelon seeds with us and bearding us!!!!
What a special man and Dad he was to so many of us!

They moved to Missippi  years ago and have been their ever since. They would come in the summer and stay a week or so. One time Shannon brought his motorcycle, we go off for a ride…he hit some sand… threw him off of his bike, he had a concussion and spent the night in the hospital. We were all scared, but what a memory that made! This year they had a camper on the back of the truck, the coolest thing ever!!! This same year we went back and stayed a week with them.  Riding bicycle’s, playing, taking a tour of Columbus MS., oh what a great time! Daddy came and got us, but we really would have liked to stay their!

Years passed with a few visits here and there. They bought a house there. Uncle Charles just loved it. We surprised them one time with a visit. We were so excited to go and see them, Daddy just popped in on them…oh boy! Well, we did not know for sure if it was the right house. I go and knock on the door, Shannon opens the door, his mouth feel open and he could not talk. He closed the door and went back inside. He could not even tell his parents who was at the door! Priceless, just priceless!!! Finally, someone else came to the door and they nearly fell out too!!!

Lots of hugs and kisses and laughter! I remember their house being in like a field, no trees or anything, it looks like a different place now. He loved working out in the yard. Uncle Charles always had a flag and a pole!!! He would go out in his robe and raise it! He loved to tinker with trucks, loved country music and loved his family!!! He could laugh real loud and burp like loud thunder, lol!!! He was just the best. He believed in discipline, working hard and respect! He loved God and his country. He was always worried about this country! 

He was a great Christian man and will forever be remembered for his love, kindness and concern for others!


What a beautiful place they have made out of their home. Very loving and hospitable folks!!!

Uncle Charles, we miss you so very much!

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