
I had the pleasure of keeping Isabella today. Her Mom needed to study.

We went to the barn and visited with Papa for a little while. Then came back home, it is so hot!!!

We played and rocked and ate and changed a few diapers. I put her in the tub and gave her a bath.  I asked her what the dog said. She just looked at me, then I started to bark like a dog and she laughed! No response to  the the cow sound or the cat, but she laughed at the dog bark and tried to bark herself! Too cute!

Then it was time to go to sleep and take a nap, so we rocked and sang “Night Night Baby Go to Sleep”. A song made up by WB. We sang it to all of our kids and now they sing it to theirs and Cole sings it to Molly, his dog…..and she thinks she is part human!!!

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