September Eleventh-Part III

Kylie got upset when she had to leave her Mom so Teresa gave her some crackers and a drink!


It took forever before they brought Isabella to the nursery, it must have been around 12:15. They did her foot prints, gave her the shots, gave her a bath and she got really mad…but loved her hair being washed…it looked just like she melted when they washed her hair.








Nana Laura (Bart’s Mom)

The nurses saw Ky looking in the window and they told her she had her nose. Kylie said, that’s my baby sister. Then they had another baby that was back there…Ky said, oh no…don’t get that babies mixed up with ours!




Uncle Bry Bry with Kylie

By this time we were all exhausted. Ky was in the whining stage. Cayla helped me get her in the car and Ryan picked her up. Before we could get to Remerton she was asleep. We got home at 1:30!


Everyone trying to make Kylie happy…she just needed to got to bed!!!

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