South Carolina Trip

I decided Friday afternoon that I would go and watch my niece perform at a ballet recital on Saturday. They have lived in SC for about a year & I had not been to visit in a while. Left around 5:30, found the quickest route, time wise and headed out. All was fine until I go on I-20 & got in to North Augusta....lots of construction. I also stopped by Sams to pick up a few items. Well, the detour signs we not that great & I spent a while trying to figure out how to get on I-20 East. I was not the only one trying to figure it out....except they were around 80 yrs old! Ha. Finally after about 45 minutes, I spotted a truck driving on a ramp that I thought was still closed....I began to look for the opening....just big enough to get your car wonder we could not find it! They had quite a few of these....with a stop sign to get on the to the Interstate???? What??? Yep, its true! I did make it to their place in time to unload & get ready to go to the performance! David's parents had come down also, it was great to visit with them for a little...his Mom is so funny! We picked up flowers for Alex, found our way back to the comment...right Dalton...watched the first set, went to wild wings & ate, back to the second performance...then home. Thanks for the supper David & Missy!

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