Happy Birthday Winston!
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Happy Birthday Winston, Papa, Daddy!!! Winston's birthday is Sunday. We celebrated early since we are going to be out of town. We usually are on his birthday. He doesn't like a big production on his special day. But this year Kylie knows all about birthday's & we could not just let it pass without celebrating it. She has been asking about it and wanted to have a cake! Cayla made the birthday supper, salad and up-side-down-pizza, it was so good!!! We were in town most of the day so we did not have much time to prepare, we also had not planned on going to Destin this weekend. Friends of ours offered us their condo for free! Thanks Murphy's!!! So the party was a spur of the moment...like most everything we do!! Check out the spelling on the cake, or is it just me? We also did not have any candles, so I just put one big ole candle in it...Kylie did not know what to think of the candle...nor did her Papa, but it served the purpose!!! We will leave tomorrow for our annual shopping trip if Grandma Wisenbaker is o:k! Be sure & remember her in your prayers!

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