
Kylie is a character. I must blog this so I don't forget. When she came home Monday night she was not happy. Grannie Connie usually takes Kylie to the park. She did not get to this time & Kylie was pouting. She came on the back porch & told me she wanted to go to the park. I said we can go right here to the park, you have a swing & a slide, she did not like it, but took me up on it. After a while we came inside, she wanted Chick-fil-a chicken nuggets...she also wants to go inside now, her Mom took her to the playground! Her excuse is...she does not want to get her clothes dirty. She also told us she wanted Pizza, I told her I had some in the freezer & I would fix it for her. She informed me she did not want that kind....she wanted Pizza Hut....I have never taken her to Pizza Hut!!! She is ROTTEN!!!!!

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