10 years ago
My memories written...in a not so proper way...so I can remember what in the world happened during my crazy, fun, blessed life!
Today Cayla meant she would drive herself to school. So she could take no pain meds after she went to sleep last night. (Bear in mind.....her room is up stairs, so she has been on the couch, in the den, & me on the love seat, every night this week!)
Well, that is just what she did. After we finally got her dressed,( after I have gone up & down the stairs 100 times, getting the right & wrong things she needed!!!) I helped her in her truck & she drove herself.
Now I am at home all day....depressed about the whole circumstance!
After she got home today she said she would let me take her to school tomorrow!
Doctors Appointment
Today we go to see Doctor Bearden at 9:30. I must say, her knee looks bad & several who have had ACL tares have told me it does not sound good! Well, I know this, but I just want a miracle for her!
The news was not what we wanted to hear at our visit today. After examining her knee, he told her that the ACL was torn. He could not tell about the meniscus, she was to tender in that area. He will check it next week.
She nor I could hold back the tears when he gave us the devastating news. My heart is just aching for my baby girl. I knew he was going to tell us this news, but until we had to hear it,we could still have hope!
Her senior year of sports, has now come to and end, no chance for soccer this year!
He told her that it will stop hurting! He could put a brace on it & let her go. If she does this at her young age, & because she is so active, then when she is 40-45 years of age she will be looking at knee replacement! Also, if the meniscus is not torn & she gets to active, it will be at a great risk of being injured because she has no ACL to help stabilize it!
She went to school, it was not pretty. She could not hold back the tears & disappointment! My heart broke as I had to watch this unfold! Some of her friends & teachers rallied around her to give their love & support! I appreciate them so much!
Her soccer coach said, I will have to talk to her later....I am going to cry right now!
So many friends, teachers, and family have been disappointed for Cayla too! You just hate to see such an injury for such young kids.
Dr. Bearden said.....6 months recovery!
No words can express the disappoint that we are feeling at our house.
Today Cayla did not go to school. She & I were up part of the night last night. Her knee is very swollen and she is in lots of pain. Now, I do not deal with seeing others in pain very well. It makes me want to faint or become nauseated or both! Winston had to help her get to the restroom this am!!!
We have iced the knee most of the day 20 min. on/ 20 min. off. Let me tell you, I have had a work out today! Between Cayla & Kylie....what a day! Kylie knew that Ca Ca was hurt last night & she did not like it a bit. When she got up this am, she saw Ca Ca and said..Ca Ca hurt & then rubbed her face! She then got on the couch with her & proceeded to tell me her leg hurt too! I asked if she needed ice too, she said es! So I gave her an ice pack too! When Ca Ca had jell-o, Ky. had jell-o.
Now, Cayla needed a bath. I told her she had better call her Grandma because I would pass out if she even acted like she was in pain! This is why I am not a nurse!!!! I am a wimp! She called Grandma & she came right over, got her hair washed too! Now, Cayla did let her know when she hurt...poor Grandma...I am sure she is going straight to Heaven!
Cayla is very insistent that she is going to the game tonight, in Camilla, to support her teammates! Her Dad says that she does not need to go, I understand that, but I also know how she must feel!!! She said, just pack some ice in the car & grab the pain medicine! Well, that is just what her Grandma & I did, along with Kylie!
Rachael Swilley had to take over the point, which was Cayla's position, and we were so very proud of her. She did a great job!!!
Some of her team called to check on her, they wonder how they will make it without her.
I told her that someone would just have to step up and fill those shoes. That they would be o:k, they just had to make their minds up!
They did not win this game, but a couple of them did step up.
Brook Bennett also played a good game!
Well, while playing in the game tonight, Cayla hurt her knee. It was the last part of the fourth quarter. The score has been neck and neck. Cayla began driving and drawing fouls.
She was on the left side of our basket, two defenders in front of the goal. She planted
with her left foot, turned to face the goal with the ball ready to shoot, as she was
going to push off she heard a pop and she went straight to the floor with another player falling on top of her.
We had fans yelling at the official's, they did call a foul, so I could not hear Cayla
crying from the pain to begin with. When it got quite, I could hear her, it was not good! Now, she is not a crier, she didn't even cry when she got shot! Greg Brown told Linda Carol...she just tore her ACL....that girl does not cry! She is hurting!
We had to pick her up and take her out! After about 5 minutes she said, I think it is better. A doctor that was there looked at it and said it seemed to be tight to him and seem o:k. Well, it was already beginning to swell. She did try to go back in & play, but did not last 2 minutes. She said it felt like jelly and very unstable, and like it was grinding. When she came back out the pain returned & it swelled up fast.
She could not stand to walk or move it. We went to Smith North View to begin with, well they had all their rooms full & the waiting room full.
I just went back out & headed to SGMC. Doctor Parrott came in & looked at her and said, man what did you do? She said well, I really don't know, but,it hurts and I have a game tomorrow night, how fast is this gonna heal?
He told her he did not think she would play any more this year. Well, the tears poured, but we were still hopeful. They x-rayed...nothing chipped or broken. We got an
immobilizer, crutches and pain med. I knew she could not go without some type of pain med. We are to go see an orthopedic doctor asap!
January 25, 2008
Tonight we play Terrell, they are a pretty good ball team, we just want to play well and hustle!
This afternoon we fed the ball teams. Emmett & Martha, once again, let us borrow their house so it would be closer for everyone. We fed them chicken casserole, baked potato's and rolls. Martha made cookies! We are blessed and appreciate them for the endless giving & support they have always given to our children!Thank-you!
While at this dinner, Cayla told me she was going to cheer during the boys game. I really thought she was teasing!NOT!!!
It was so funny! All of the younger kid's mouths were falling open as they walked by & saw her in a cheerleader skirt!!! Boston Guthrie came up to her & said, Never in a million years would I have ever thought I would see you cheering! Alex said, Hey, look
Cayla is cheering! Why, I even saw Dowling Armstrong grinning from ear to ear and cheering along with them. A couple of other ball players joined in on the fun too! Pamela Brown came out of the locker room laughing so hard she was crying!!! Even Katie Garner knew this was not a normal sight!!!
Check out the pictures!
Ball Games
As you can tell, I have not been able to blog very much since November....the reason being...we have had 21 ballgames since November 12, 2007! When the season comes to an end, it is possible that we will have played around 28 games this season!!! It has been
a tough year for our kids physically!!! The parents are tired and we just go & watch!!
It is about to wind down, we have around 5 games left! Then tournaments!
Along with all these games, I was asked to paint a mural....another reason I have not blogged!!! With the help of family, I was able to get this completed. It doesn't look like much, but there are a lot of trees in the background, and I am up in the air!!!
It was also a 30 minute drive! This is a mural for Pat Price! It is her view of Cherry
Lake! Of course is looks better when viewing it with your own eyes! These are the top part of the walls in the dining area.
Homecoming 2008
Well today was Homecoming 2008, our last for our children! We were up and going early, pictures were at 11:30. I ended up steaming all the layers of this dress!!!! Heather, Cole's girlfriend was kind enough to do Cayla's hair and makeup. Thanks Heather!!!
Now, Winston was not at all happy about wearing the suit...but he looked handsome & was proud to escort his baby girl!!! We told him if he did not want to do it that Grand Daddy would be glad too!!! NO more complaints!!!He! Now, Cayla had gotten 2 blisters on the pad's of each foot from her basketball shoes and had been wearing flip flops every where. We had the dress hemmed for her high heels. She had to wear flip flops so the dress was longer than it should be!! Here they come...turn toward the left...good...turn toward the right...good. Now, he has already stepped on her dress...it is puffy! When they turn to the right, he just kinda kicked her dress over with his leg!!! It was so funny, everybody laughed!!! All of the kids looked very nice.
Benjamen Nelson and Jordan Lynch were crowned, congrats to them both!!! Winston asked Jordan's Dad how he kept from stepping on her dress....he said, he just kind a drug one foot on the floor!!!He!!! Great job's Dad's!!!
Cayla was ready to get out of her dress & in to her uniform. She was ready to play ball! They lost but most of them played well!
Enjoy the slide show!
Happy 25th Anniversary!
It is unbelievable that we have been married 25 year! Where have the years gone? I must say it has been quite a journey. Good times and challenging times, but all worth it.
Things I remember about our wedding day. Going to get our hair fixed....together, I believe it helped calm our nerves spending the day together! My hair was a little to poofy to my liking so I went home & rewashed it & fixed it myself before the wedding. Winston & I were laughing & then I think I was on the verge of tears!!!
I remember riding to the church with my Dad. He told me he did not think he was going to be able to talk at the wedding. His throat was real dry....nervous about giving one of his girls away, I know! I told him that he would do fine and all he had to say was her mother and I....he said...I know, but I don't think I'm gonna be able to say it!!! We laughed & he went to the Jiffy Store for some candy to help his throat. At this time I am just ready to get this done! My Mom was busy, along with all the ladies at church, preparing for the reception....it was great! The food was delicious!!! My Mom also was out getting a special gift for me, I had no clue. They gave me a beautiful strand of pearls! I love them still to this day!
Winston tux was to small, he had gained a little weight & did not go get remeasured, we told him to! Now why his shoes were to small I do not understand, but his feet were miserable & his pants to tight, poor thing! He was tired of having pictures taken especially under the garment issues! I must say we were both exhausted by the end of the wonderful day!
We had to choose a date that would be around Jerry's college and basketball schedule, we didn't want him to miss this day! So we were married on a Thursday night.
Deland Guthrie had to have an appendectomy, he was going to video for us , but his appendix had another idea!!!
We left Winston's truck in a field so no one would find it, we did not want to have to clean his truck before we left so late at night. I believe my Dad took care of the care for us the next day.
Winston was a great help for my family with the flowers at the wedding. The florist found out he painted, so they worked out a deal with some of the flowers. I had picked out what I liked, which was very simple, when I walked in the church, I was blown away.....way more flowers than what I had chose!
After mingling with out guests & saying our good-byes we began our new journey together. We went to Jacksonville Fl. & stayed at the Colson's Condo, that they so graciously offered to us! Oh yes, my new husband brought his guitar so he could serenade me, lucky me...right!
Weddings are so much work. They can not be completed without a small army of friends and family. To all who helped this day be special & complete...thank-you from the bottom of our hearts!
We have not celebrated our 25th with anything special as of yet, I did get a beautiful silver necklace that I will cherish forever!
We just have been tending to our family so far this year and decided that we would celebrate at a later date!
I thank the Lord for my best friend & soul mate. He has truly blessed my life!
To see our wedding pictures, click on 1/06/1983 on the side bar!!! Oh, my my where have the years gone!!!
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